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  • #46911
    Jeff Sayre

    A couple of questions:

    1. What locahost environment (OS and server) are you running your install on?

    2. Did you install the bpmember theme folder in /wp-content/bp-themes/?

    3. Did you choose the BuddyPress default member theme, bpmember, in WPMU’s backed? You do this by logging into WPMU as site admin, then going to “BuddyPress > General Settings > Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages”.

    4. Do you have a .htaccess file in the directory in which you’ve installed WPMU?


    Okay, here are the answers to the questions that I know will get asked. Hope this helps.

    1. Which version of WPMU you are running: 2.7.1

    2. Whether you’ve installed WPMU in a subdirectory or as a subdomian: it is installed in the root folder. I also did a previous installation in a subdirectory. Both results were the same.

    3. Whether you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU. If so, from which version: No, first time installed wpmu

    4. Whether WPMU was functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress: yes. If you are defining “functioning properly” as using the multi-forum capability, then I wouldn’t know….I didn’t want WPMU for that. I just wanted WPMU so I could use BP.

    5. Which version of BuddyPress you are running: v1.0. Installed myself….didn’t use any scripts.

    6. Whether you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated, No. BP was the only plugin that was installed.

    7. Whether you are using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes: standard. I attempted to use the standard BP themes, and yes, I made sure that all files had been moved to the appropriate locations as per the instructions that were given.

    8. If running bbPress, which version: ????? What’s bbPress?

    9. A list of any errors in your server’s log files? Didn’t look. You’re talking to a novice. Wouldn’t know how to look at any server log files. I’m using Yahoo if that tells you anything.


    BTW: Before anyone asks, I did the installations for both WP2.7.1, 2.8-beta2, and WPMU, myself. I didn’t use any yahoo functions to install my original WP installation. (Did that at the beginning, and all I had was headaches, afterwards. Once I figured out how to install WP and connect it to mysql, I did it myself and everything worked great, afterwards.)

    Sorry for the three posts in a row. Just wanted to get all this out before all the questions were asked about what I’ve done with the WPMU and BP installation.


    A guy from Stackoverflow had the solution

    Try adding this line of code to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-ajax-handler.php before do_action()

    status_header( 200 );


    A guy from Stackoverflow had the solution

    Try adding this line of code to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-ajax-handler.php before do_action()

    status_header( 200 );

    Jeff Sayre

    Concerning your answers In this thread.

    Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install? subdomains

    Did you follow the detailed instructions in the WPMU’s readme.txt file about subdomain installs (listed under the heading DNS).

    Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU? If so, from which version? Yes,I upgraded wpmu when I upgraded bp to 1.0 (not sure what previous version of WPMU was)

    This could be an issue. You need to follow a specific WPMU upgrade path. If you do not, you can have all sorts of issues. See these links:

    Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? 3 plugin widgets of my own that display posts from the database


    Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes? customised themes

    To help you figure out what is going on, you need to distill your install down to the lowest common denominator. This means stripping out all extra stuff and focusing on the barebones environment.

    So, you need to deactivate ALL plugins except BuddyPress. You need to use the default themes that come with BuddyPress. If the problems go away, then it is related to your custom theme and/or one of more of your plugins.

    Here are a few more questions:

    1. Which hosting firm are you using?
    2. Did you manually install WPMU + BuddyPress or use a one-button installer?
    3. There have been a few changes over time to WPMU’s wp-config.php file. If you simply used an older file this could also cause problems. Always verify that the config file you are using is up to date by comapring it to the config file that comes with each, newly downloaded WPMU install package. Did you use the wp-config.php file that came with WPMU 2.7.1?


    Granted my site is acting messy right now but I don’t think this is related to the plugin.

    I use the FV Community News plugin to solicit community FAQs but instead of pushing questions to a “submitted news” page, I pull then questions and post them in a blog and then members post answers as comments. (I do this because the FAQs are supposed to be posted anonymously.) There’s a widget with the plugin, which makes it easy for people to submit their questions.

    You can see it working here:

    The plugin is here:

    Hope that helps!

    Jeff Sayre


    Welcome to the BuddyPress forums. Here are some resources that should answer your questions?

    Jeff Sayre


    A couple of thoughts / questions:

    1. How many times have you reinstalled WPMU + BuddyPress?

    2. Did you use the same MySQL DB each time or did you start with a brand new, fresh DB?

    3. You mention in point 2 of your most recent post that you’re basically making a custom theme. You changed the code in leave-group-confirm.php. In my mind, changing any code in the default themes means you’re making a custom theme.

    So that we can distill this issue down to the lowest common denominator, please select the default BuddyPress themes (bphome and bpmember). If you do not have unaltered versions of these default themes, get them and install them in the proper place. This way, we can rule out theme issues as a source of your problem.

    Jeff Sayre

    Of course, Manoj is correct. I should not attempt to answer forum questions when I’m dog tired and about to hit my head on the keyboard. I read the thread’s title, not the post, and just thought, “Apache redirect option chosen when setting up domain at hosting company.”

    Next time, sleep, then answer!

    Roger Coathup

    @Burt: you were asking for BP_ROOT_BLOG id… how do I find that out?

    @Jeff: answers to your questions embedded below.

    1. Which version of WPMU are you running? 2.7.1

    2. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install? subdomains

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU? If so, from which version? Yes, I upgraded wpmu when I upgraded bp to 1.0 (not sure what previous version of WPMU was)

    5. Was WPMU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress? I don’t know because I installed it as part of BP install, and didn’t test it separately

    6. Which version of BuddyPress are you running? 1.0

    7. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? 3 plugin widgets of my own that display posts from the database

    8. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes? customised themes

    9. If running bbPress, which version? 1.0-rc-1

    10. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files

    [Tue Jun 02 18:46:20 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/live2run/public_html/wp-content/themes/2live2runmagazine/images/background.gif, referer:

    [Tue Jun 02 18:45:59 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/live2run/public_html/wp-content/themes/2live2runmagazine/images/background.gif, referer:


    I just received this error while trying to install Buddypress on a fresh install of WPMU 2.7.1. I was using the “add plugin” feature so I assume that I am getting the latest version of Buddypress (1.0).

    Per the questions above, I installed per directions and made no modifications except to move the bp_themes folder to wp_content as instructed. I opened no Buddypress files.

    So it looks like this problem is alive and well. I’m at a dead halt with Buddypress.


    You currently have the bpskeletontheme member theme enabled and active in your wp-content/themes directory.

    Update: I just refreshed it now and it looks like you’re figuring it out slowly but surely. Let us know if you have more questions.


    In reply to: Some Design Questions


    Hi Everyone:

    Thanks for all of your help. Thanks to Jeff’s tip, I managed to get it to stretch across the page, and it looks wonderful now. ;) Now to just customize it a bit more to my liking, and I’ll be all set!

    As for the second issue, thanks for your help both Enlightenmental1 and John… It now looks pretty good if I do say so myself.


    In reply to: Some Design Questions

    Pierce2, if you’re trying to change the colors of the included “Social Network” logo image in Photoshop, your best bet is to just alter the hue/saturation to your liking. Just filling the colors will make it look all blotchy regardless of anti-aliasing.

    This isn’t a design forum, but since it’s BP related I’ll let it slide. :D

    I’d also recommend using Firebug with Firefox. This way you can tweak CSS on a live web page, and then apply those tweaks to your CSS file and upload it once and be done.


    In reply to: Some Design Questions


    1.) use anti-aliasing when you are designing the new text logo… that will take the “hard edges” and make them “soft”


    In reply to: Some Design Questions

    Jeff Sayre

    I am wondering if there is some file for the Main Theme that comes bundled with BuddyPress

    There are two default themes that come with BP–the bphome theme and the bpmember theme.

    My standard caveat when creating custom themes from the default themes:

    Make sure that you make a copy of both bphome theme and bpmember theme. Your customizations should be done in copies, not the original. That way, if you have issues with your custom themes (and we all do when working on customization), you can switch back to the standard BP themes to see how things should work.

    Head Bar Going Across the Screen

    With regards to your second issue, this thread may help


    You’re welcome. Don’t forget to change the status to resolved. Helps everyone to know which questions still need answering. :)


    In reply to: No 404, Just Shows

    Jeff Sayre

    We need more information to provide assistance. Please answer these questions.


    please search the forum before posting the same questions posted before. And make sure you read documents.


    In reply to: Pages vs Categories

    Jeff Sayre

    This is a basic WordPress question and not a BuddyPress question.

    Pages cannot have categories or tags. If you want or need these, then you’ll have to use WP posts instead.

    Here’s a link to a WP codex article on pages that will help answer some of your questions.

    Now, you could use BuddyPress groups along with Burt Adsit’s BP Content plugin to accomplish your goal.

    Jeff Sayre

    We do not have sufficient information to begin helping you. Please answer these questions.

    Jeff Sayre

    Yes I have the Wp-content/bp_theme

    Just to be absolutely sure, the bpmember theme, and all BuddyPress member themes, go in /wp-content/bp-themes/, not /wp-content/bp_theme.

    You did not provide answers to these three questions:

    6. Whether you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated

    7. Whether you are using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes

    8. A list of any errors in your server’s log files

    Jeff Sayre

    We’ve been having a related discussion in this thread. Are you using BlueHost as well? It does not really matter. The lessons in the link are the same.

    The requested URL /community/members was not found on this server.

    Do you have the default member theme (bpmember) installed in /wp-content/bp-themes/?

    Group, Members, Blogs, Registration, does not work.

    I assume registration is working fine now because I just visited your site and you have a newly registered member–a test account, I assume. The time on your OP clearly indicates that you started this thread before you registered that new account.

    Finally, please go through this list of questions.

    Jeff Sayre


    The issue is resolved for three browsers, but that only encompasses less than 40% of the Internet.

    You may be giving Internet Explorer way too much credit. Check the recent stats for yourself. At this one source, IE represents only about 42% of browser usage. So, your question may be almost 60% resolved!

    Of course, there are a few other sources that state overall IE to be about 66% or so. However, there are ways that browser usage data can be overestimated as well as underestimated. I like to say that IE realistically has a market share of 50 to 55%, but that its share is slowly declining each month.

    A few questions for you:

    Which versions of IE?

    Does it not work on any of them, or just not on the oldest version?

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