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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #55937

    If you need any help translating let me know, I’ll be glad to help :) I also have no idea how the translation stuff works, but that shouldnt be so hard?!


    It has both his po and mo, so what do I do now? I’m new to translating. And since I’m also planning on translating both bbpress and wpmu. I’m eager to learn. :)

    And btw, I also use Poedit.



    If the dutch language pack comes with both po’s and mo’s, then you can rescan the buddypress directory with poedit, update the database from the source, and then proceed with your changes.

    If not, then you’re sort-of out of luck I think. I haven’t found a tool to merge an existing mo into a new po, so it would be a manual process of copy and pasting each preexisting translation.


    flyout menu problem is solved.

    Was a f… folder permission…argh…


    Thxs !

    no it’s not a big issue, just a important little detail as any other usability indication – not all site admin read and understand correctly english warnings or message. But you’re right, it’s not a big issue.

    I hope you find the time to take a look for the variable problem.

    If you know about css problems, i also have trouble with the flyout part of the ‘MyBlog’ menu (is not appearing)

    Cheers !


    In reply to: Two Languages

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    The text “The default theme for BuddyPress” cannot be translated as it is in a .css file. As only the site administrator will see that text when they activate the theme, is it a big issue? The other text here is part of WordPress.

    The wrong path thing is more interesting and there are some other forum posts here with that problem. I don’t know when I will get time to look into it so maybe someone else can help.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    I’ll check this out after work.


    In reply to: BuddyPress i18n Topics

    I’m currently working on a user language setting for BuddyPress that will take on not just user settings but assist in translation for user to user interaction. There are lots of places where BuddyPress might not be completely internationalized, and the most likely cause is probably attributed to the developers and contributors so far being primarily native English speakers.

    It’s hard for us to test different languages since we don’t understand the languages we’re looking at or reading or what they’re supposed to look like. We’re relying on the qualified multilingual developers to help us track down and fix the areas that could use the attention.

    My current focus is on the English to Spanish side of this, with Portuguese next on the list. I’ve briefly tested the display of Chinese and French but admit that I understand those languages much much less.

    I read a few weeks back there’s a plugin out there that’s starting to help out with the translation and language barrier. I hope that as more and more people start using BuddyPress that more people also help contribute to internationalizing it.


    In reply to: BuddyPress i18n Topics


    Not sure if this needs a separate thread, but as it is connected to the original post:

    I have spanish speaking users and have uploaded the spanish Buddypress translations.


    – The buddybar follows the language settings of the blog it is on, not of the user that is logged in. Meaning that a Spanish speaker (with language settings -> Spanish on their settings) will see a nice Spanish buddybar when on their own blog, but when they go to an English blog (the main blog for example) then the buddybar turns to English, even though it is ‘their’ buddybar, with their blogs and links to their profile etc. Is this by design or a bug?

    As the community homepage is almost separate from the main blog, it should follow the user-set language as well when loaded.

    – As the translation is available, I think the language of the main blog/home theme should change according to the (logged in) user visiting it, else they are lost on the community homepage. However, currently it sticks strictly to the language settings of the main blog.

    update: just created ticket: but would like to hear your thoughts on this as well.

    Cheers, Harry


    Send Brent a message:

    Although you should know that Brent is now helping Boone Gorges on another group forum notification plugin that already has translation support:


    1): done with 1.1.1.

    5): Think its done


    7) Create new group works, but when the user add at step 4 an avatar bp brings this message on an blank page:


    Bist du sicher, dass du das tun möchtest?

    Bitte nochmal versuchen.

    Browser back > click on “next step” > same error.

    Browser back > click on “previous step” >bp site loads but without content at step 2

    The group is created with the avatar! Wrong link in the “step” buttons?

    Test on firefox > no problem! Think its only on ie!

    8) Create group headlines without translation

    9) Admin doesnt see invisible groups from other users. Not good, there is no control!


    That was it! The conflict is with the qtranslate plugin.

    I started a new thread in the qtranslate plugin forum to let the author know.

    It would be great if someone here could confirm it. This worries me since it was the only multilingual plugin that I could find that would work with MU.

    It puts language content in html language tags including titles. With that plugin off everything appears twice wherever I had added a translation.


    In reply to: When comes the 1.1?


    the week for the translations have been added? :)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Please answer

    Also, are you using a language translation on your site? If so, this particular bug has recently been fixed and will be in the next release of BP.


    No trac, but you can just send patches or code through my profile or irc. The svn at the moment is temporary until Erwin takes over again. I should note, that while testing is really appreciated and that you for sure can use the plugin as is, there is no guarantee that Erwin will actually use this code base and he could take a different direction all together. Just to disclaim on my part :) So, also new features will not be implemented as the base code first needs to be accepted.

    That being said. On what url or you missing icons? I might have completely overlooked it. I have gone through a LOT of code, so it easy to miss something. I’ll fix the translation as well. Thanks…

    I just set up a new event, and the issue with the location still exists

    This could be because you have upgraded? On a clean install I am pretty sure this is not the case, but I will verify later today.

    José M. Villar

    @Korhan thanks for the warning. At the beginning I won´t have any member blogs, just the “main” one. My project will start with the latest news about the football team I support (like Feherbace !) and then evolve to a fan community with forum.

    That´s why it Facebook login will prove very useful

    Regarding ID, I don´t think I will implement it until they provide front-end translation, which is in their roadmap but with no ETA yet.

    @r-a-y thanx again


    In reply to: User points

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Wait until next release if you can before customising the text too much. Same reason as my earlier answer about translation. I’m in two minds on how I want to approach it.

    Points are collected at the moment, they just aren’t shown anywhere. Any suggestions where?

    Feature list I will type when I get home


    In reply to: User points

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Finally (before bed), with regards to translations: I could upload the .pot file, or you could generate one yourselves, but I would recommend waiting for the next release.

    I may change the way translation and achievement text customisation are / will be handled, so you may end up wasting your time if you rush to do it at the moment.

    This of course begs the question as to when the next version will be – probably end of the Sunday 16th – will be working hard in my spare time to try to achieve this.

    Felix J

    Ok, thanks for the help.


    The only image with text is the one that says “socialnetwork”, but you should change that anyways

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    If you translate the default theme, that’s all you do – you don’t have to change any of the images *unless you want to*. Good luck!


    Ok… I reverted the chaos, still some words aren’t translated in the template.

    You can see here the words that don’t appear to be translated although they are:

    For example: Groups Listing, Members, etc

    And the BP language file here:


    It may be so that the translation functions for these strings are missing in your releases. You should update to WPMU 2.8.1 (or 2.8.2) and BP 1.0.3 anyways.

    WPMU translation files should reside in:


    and BP translation files should reside in:


    If you’d like more help, please provide a link to the language files you are using, and where and what strings are not translated.


    In reply to: bp-custom-php help


    I’m trying to do this as well, however, it’s not working. I have my buddypress.po and in my bp-languages folder and I uploaded a new bp-custom.php to the /plugins/ folder however, from there how do I enable the new translation?

    I’m using:

    define( 'BPLANG', 'mysite' );
    if ( file_exists( BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-languages/buddypress-' . BPLANG . '.mo' ) ) {
    load_textdomain( 'buddypress', BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-languages/buddypress-' . BPLANG . '.mo' );

Viewing 25 results - 951 through 975 (of 1,144 total)
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