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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • benofinil

    Hello all,

    I’ve looked throught the forum and many plugins, and I can not solve this problem which seems “so simple” to me !

    How to configure an email sent to the administrator each time a registration is done ?

    Let me explain :
    My community system is based on pre-registered users in a database.
    So, when a user registers on my site, he receives an email (originally, the wordpress email with the activation link) telling him that his account is being verified by the administrator.
    Then, the account is in the user pending system, and the administrator can activate or not this account manually.
    If the account is validate, the user will receive a welcoming message, etc.

    BUT, I would like to receive an email informing me that a user has registered, ie who has completed the registration form BUT has not yet validated his account. However, the default wordpress email is only sent to the administrator when the account is validate.

    It’s really exhausting to check permanetly if a user is in the pending system, in order to validate or refuse its account…

    Hope someone could help me…


    Here is my activation email:

    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:

    如未有自動激活, 請手動複製此KEY以激活帳號 – 2odYZSFKiXTVPBTYriEIsgq1EHj2Uu5N

    When click the link, it wont auto-fill the activation code, how to make it automactic?
    any codefree process? like handling {{key}} and so on


    I’ve been using WPLMS theme which includes Buddypress. Right after I install the theme, users won’t get the activation email when they create an account. Although in the user list page, the “email sent” field is “1”.

    Then I install Buddypress on a plain 5.7.2 site with the 2021 theme. This time the users can get the activation email from it’s in the spam folder).

    Now I go back to the previous site and deactivate all of the other plugins and change the theme to 2021, still, users won’t get the activation email. This kind of verifies what the WPLMS’s support says, this is probably not their problem.

    Both sites are on the same Linode VPS server so they have the same host setting.

    Now I am stuck here. Can you show me a way to debug this?


    Hi I have a question regarding the activation email that is sent to users when they sign up. Currently, when a user on my website receives the activation email they click on the activation link and the key does not automatically fill into the required field. The user has to copy and paste the key into the field and then they can complete their account activation.

    Is there anything I could do to try to get the activation key to automatically fill in and not require the user to copy and paste?
    Thank you for you help!

    Wordpress version- 5.7.2
    Buddypress version- 8.0.0


    When resending activation email from login page its not working. The user not getting activation email.


    Mathieu Viet

    I’m bit amazed by this

    enabled direct registration of new members and disabled email confirmation

    As far as I know, a user registering from the front-end (managed by BuddyPress) is first receiving an email containing a secret key he needs to paste into the BuddyPress activate page to validate their account. But maybe you are using a plugin or some custom code to disable this..

    Otherwise, you can achieve what you describe adding the following code snippets to a bp-custom.php file.

     * Adds activities generated when a user activates their account when a user
     * is created using the wp-admin/user-new screen Add new action.
    function automatically_generate_an_activation_activity( $user_id = 0 ) {
    	// Adds a "became a registered user" activity.
    	bp_core_new_user_activity( $user_id );
    	// Fake a user log in.
    	bp_update_user_last_activity( $user_id );
    add_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'automatically_generate_an_activation_activity' );

    In reply to: BuddyPress 8.0.0


    Hi, I’m getting the same database error and it seems linked to Mycred, as Neo also flagged above.

    Here is the full error:

    [15-Jun-2021 13:35:49 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: BP_Members_Component::$table_name_invitations in /home/customer/www/ on line 53
    [15-Jun-2021 13:35:49 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘dbosafnzuzggps.i’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT DISTINCT FROM i WHERE class IN (‘bp_members_invitation_manager’) AND type = ‘invite’ AND invite_sent = 1 AND accepted = 0 made by require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, myCRED_Core->init, do_action(‘mycred_init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, myCRED_Hooks_Module->module_init, myCRED_Hooks_Module->call, myCRED_Hook_Affiliate->run, apply_filters(‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, bp_members_invitations_cancel_activation_email, bp_members_invitations_get_invites, BP_Invitation_Manager->get_invitations, BP_Invitation::get

    Any suggestions how to fix this, please?

    thanks very much,


    also I have been struggling too much as I was not receiving activation emails but hopefully I fixed it 🙂 I hope this last problem gets fix and I would be ready to launch website 🙂


    Hi, I noticed that there is a compatiblilty issue with 8.0 and MyCred. I raised the issue with them, but just would like to highlight it here also.

    The issue is that they are using the bp_core_signup_send_activation_key filter with one paramater.

    In BP 8.0, this conflicts with add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_activation_key', 'bp_members_invitations_cancel_activation_email') which has 5 paramaters.

    This results in the following error:
    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function bp_members_invitations_cancel_activation_email(), 1 passed in /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 292 and exactly 5 expected

    I just wanted to highlight the issue here as well, even though I think the issue is that they are not using the filter correctly


    I can get email working with the WP Mail SMTP plugin.
    I also can get WordPress by itself to send a activation link and a user can click it then log in.
    But I can’t get BuddyPress to send that activation link no matter what I have tried is there a trick to get buddypress to send that link?


    I guess I was not clear. “it does NOT activate (although I get the welcome message).”

    They get the email. They click the link. It goes to the activation page (with the activation code in the URL). It then redirects to “Thanks for Joining”, but the account is NOT activated.

    My best guess is that the latest WordPress (Critical) update caused an issue? Anyone know why?


    Hello, this problem was addressed before many times, however the solutions offered didnt work.
    I have deactivated all plugins, URL’s are correct (as suggested) but nothing worked. Any ideas?


    I installed buddy press, followed the manuals and linked the registration and activation pages. When calling the link to the registration page, the page is properly displayed. After filling in the information and clicking on “Complete Sign Up”, the user just gets redirected to the landing page.

    There is no new user created in the user in wordpress and also no confirmation email is sent. However, when creating a user in the administration console within wordpress, users can be created and also registration emails are sent to the user.

    Any idea how to investigate this problem? All the tricks from other forum entries I have already tried (different themes, activate allow anyone to register etc).

    Wordpress 5.7.1
    Theme: Twenty Seventeen Child Theme, but also ExS
    BuddyPress: Version 7.3.0




    I was wondering if you could help me please with php.

    After the user fills in the create an account section and base register form I would like 2 things to happen when the user the hits complete signup button.

    1. Disable the auto activation so I can assign a member group in the wordpress users section
    2. Redirect to an external website for their tiered membership payment

    I have tried this for the redirection but I cant get it to work (I added the URL). I placed it in the child theme’s function.php

    function ps_bp_redirect($user) {
    $redirect_url = ‘url goes here’;
    wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( array( ‘user’ => $_POST[‘signup_username’] , ’email’=> $_POST[‘signup_email’]), $redirect_url ) );
    add_action(‘bp_core_signup_user’, ‘ps_bp_redirect’, 100, 1);

    and I used this to stop the auto activation and this works perfect. I added the code to snippets plugin.

    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’, ‘ps_disable_activation_email’ );
    function ps_disable_activation_email() {
    return false;
    add_filter( ‘gettext’, ‘ps_change_activation_message’, 20, 3 );

    function ps_change_activation_message( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {

    switch ( $translated_text ) {
    case ‘You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.’ :
    $translated_text = __( ‘Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator.’, ‘buddypress’ );

    return $translated_text;

    I am using the newest version of wordpress and buddypress Version 7.3.0

    Many thanks and kind regards

    Tracey Kinchella


    I am getting registration spam by the bucketloads and I’m not sure how to combat this effectively.

    What I’ve done/considered so far:

    • Activating Recaptcha v3 (done)
    • Hope that email activation weeds out some of the spammers
    • Googling has advised hiding /wp-login.php?action=register since many spambots target this, but I’ve not been able to do this successfully, BuddyPress seems to redirect this to its register page.

    I’d be super glad for any advice on:

    • Hiding /wp-login.php?action=register
    • Any other spam-killing things that I should be doing



    Topic: dating site

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress


    i am trying to build a dating site using buddypress.
    i have some problems.
    i hope u can help me.

    1. the Activation Emails are not being sent and some users get the wrong activation code.
    2. I Do not see the start screen with the various profiles.

    How can i solve the problems


    I have the same problem
    My site
    many users not getting activation emails and some users get the wrong activation code.

    Hoe to solve this problem.
    I am using youzer plugin



    I have modify registration form to allow user send data without activation email, because i need than registered user activation only allowed for our admin users. About this I have customize “Activation email” from Buddypress Email managing to have different message when some user send data to register, selecting the “Situation” associated to “register users trigger . But i need than this trigger send another email with register entered data to admin system email (i have resolve already how to capture this data to add into email ) . 2 emails sending the same time, one to user registered and another to system email.

    I do’nt know how do this because i don’t know how create new “situation” than to use system email to send this email. Now only i’m sending email to register user, and Buddypress Email management not allow to change this email. It’s diffuclt form me find how create new elements into “situation” list with this specific caracteristics to cerate new email entry to send admins.

    Some solution.

    I hope i have explain well and sorry for my english.

    Thank you!


    Activation Emails are not being sent(I am using WP Mail SMTP Plugin)


    I have the same problem. No email is triggered when a new user registers. Any idea what to do? This pretty much will ruin any chances of getting sign ups.

    I’ve integrated a mailer (eg. Sendgrid) and other emails are going out ok such as comment notifications. But no activation email for a user who wants to sign up.

    Any help appreciated!


    Hi all,

    I found that two issues of the activation email from BuddyPress.

    1.The first activation email is missing background color and the text not center. When I tried to send the same email again, the email becomes all right.

    2. I saw an account from WordPress backend is pending, but that account is already able to use the function in frontend (such as upvote a post, which is supposed to only available to activated account). When I tried to register a new account and duplicate the issue again, but no such issue found.

    Can anyone help me to figure out and solve the issues? Thanks a lot.


    I have my website in English and Spanish and in Spanish the activation of the profile does not work and in English it does work, when someone registers, they receive the email to activate the profile with a verification code and when clicking on the link they go to a page in White that says that the web page cannot be accessed and that it checks if there is a typing error but the url is fine, how do I solve it?


    Seems a common issue. Site is, WP version 5.6, BP version 7.1.0. Users can register, will get email to activate, click link in email and then get error message saying activation invalid. Activation by copy/pasting key into field seems to work though. How do we fix?

Viewing 25 results - 51 through 75 (of 1,427 total)
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