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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #125356

    did that issue get fixed yet? I also would like to see the activation email working with the user registration add-on. I cannot access GF’s user registration add-on forum…


    Check out the `groups_record_activity()` function located in /bp-groups/bp-groups-activity.php.

    You’ll want to hook into the registration or activation actions.

    If you want to hook into the activation action when someone activates via email, check out the “bp_core_activated_user” hook located in /bp-members/bp-members-signup.php.

    For a primer to WordPress action hooks, check out this tutorial:

    Introduction to Custom Hooks and Pluggable Functions

    Never mind, one of the other posts around here said to try using the Mail From plugin but the context of the way it was used made me think that I was supposed to use it instead of WP-Mail-SMTP, but you’re actually supposed to use them together. I ended up figuring it out on my own.


    Hi there,

    I am having a major issue in that the registration is not populating the fields in the user database. Can anyone help?

    Somehow the fields are not inputting the data into the user profile (ie: first, last names are required and they are nowhere in the database). This happened after I installed Buddy Press


    PS I am not a coder and know conceptually, so speak laymen if possible in your response :)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Several ways, but check out this plugin:

    To disable activations (I would strongly recommend against this – it’d let spammers access your site much more easily), put this code somewhere, maybe in bp-custom.php:

    `add_action( ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’, ‘__return_false’ );`


    In theory, anyway. I wonder if it could be a cookies issue? Its a testing environment (but on a live remote host LAMP server). I had logged out as an admin, then created a new account with a second email, and it let me login as the new username without clicking the link I got.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    No. By default, they need to activate their accounts.




    Found the email template! It is part of the welcome-pack plugin. Now, trying to figure out how to turn HTML emails off and plain text email = on.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    It’s neither the fault of WordPress, BuddyPress or Welcome Pack that your emails are filtered into spam folders. I suggest changing the content of those emails so that email spam services are less likely to flag the email as spam. There may also be server configuration changes you could make to help.


    Update! I now notice that this issue is directly related to the activation of Welcome Pack plugin, when deactivated activation emails go to the inbox… grr….


    I have the same issue, except that the confirmation email goes to spam with Welcome Pack plugin activated whereas when its deactivated the activation email does not go to spam…

    I really want to use Welcome pack but obviously in this case I need to keep it turned off!

    Lee Rickler

    Default theme, totally clean, nothing running except latest WP and BP. No other plugins, nothing.
    I even wiped the DB and started again.

    Clicking ‘members’ tab then clicking a members name.

    Members are merely test accounts so I know they have logged in etc.

    Also, new member emails/ activation codes were never sent.


    I’m having this problem as well. I just did a fresh install of Buddypress and I’ve tried to set up two testing accounts. The accounts register the users in my User panel, but the activation emails are not arriving and therefore the users can’t log in and use the site!


    thank you very much!!


    Me too, I have a lot of Unconfirmed emails pending everyday … 10 to 20 per day !!
    Then I need to activate them manually …
    Very annoying !

    I cannot find any reason WHY those people didnt get the confirmation email in their inbox …
    I asked all of them : did you check your spam filter … but this is not the issue.

    Don’t know what to do …?
    I’m loosing many subscribers because of this.

    I must say I’m using WP last version + BP 1.5 + s2Member + BBpress plugin

    Any help appreciated.
    (I will try the WP-mail plugin to see if it can solve my problem)


    IF wordpress isn’t sending any emails (ie they’re not in spam or junk folders) it may need an extra plugin – see
    Or try to help diagnose where the issue is and add some extra settings to fix it…


    igeekout I completely understand what you mean as I having the same issue. did you ever figure anything out for this, putting an explanation on there is a bit messy for the user.


    I have the same problem. New users cannot register after the latest bp update. The activation is sent via email and once you click on the link you are redirected to the new activate page where this error shows: ‘There was an error activating your account, please try again.’
    I tried using the key # by itself on the text field but it does not go through.


    In reply to: Buddypress mails

    Tammie Lister

    When you say can’t send out emails are you on a server that has been set up to email? I ask this as you may not be.

    Also what happens on activation does it just not send out? may also help you.


    My 3 step solution to this problem is as follows:

    1. Install plugin – BuddyPress Pending Activations (
    2. Make hack to plugin function bp_pending_activations_admin() so that it sends an email when a user is activated:
    $resendusers = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT u.ID, u.user_login, u.user_email, m.meta_value FROM ” . CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE . ” m, “. CUSTOM_USER_TABLE .” u WHERE u.ID = m.user_id AND m.meta_key = ‘activation_key’ AND u.ID IN ({$userids})” ) );

    foreach ( $resendusers as $resend ) {

    /* Activate the signup */
    $user = apply_filters( ‘bp_core_activate_account’, bp_core_activate_signup( $resend->meta_value ) );

    /* If there was errors, add a message and redirect */
    if ( $user->errors ) {
    echo ‘There was an error activating this account, please try again: ‘. $resend->user_login;
    } else {
    $to = $resend->user_email;
    $subject = “Your ?????? Account Has Been Activated!”;
    $message = “Your account has been activated. Go to http://??????/ and sign in with the username and password that you created when you signed up.nnWelcome to ?????!”;
    $admin_email = get_site_option( “admin_email” );
    $from_name = “??????????”;
    $message_headers = “MIME-Version: 1.0n” . “From: “{$from_name}” n” . “Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”” . get_option( ‘blog_charset’ ) . “”n”;
    wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $message_headers );
    3. Redirect activation email to admin (to use as a noitification for admin instead of automatically sending activition key to user) by adding this to functions.php:
    function change_activation_email_to($content) {
    return get_site_option( “admin_email” );
    add_filter( ‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’, ‘change_activation_email_to’);

    So the when a new user signs up, they do not get any activation email. That goes to the admin instead. You will need to change the wording in your template to let the user know that they have to wait for manual approval. Admin logs in to WP admin and goes to Pending Activitations and activates the user. An email is sent to user to let them know they have been activated.


    So this is what happened, the plugin “Multisite User Management” has a hook that fires when you make a new user in order to automatically assign users roles to certain blogs. This all worked fine in my dev environment, but on my production site the plugin took so long that it would crash PHP during the activation process. I fixed this by disabling that plugin. Now I was left with 80+ users that were missing their xprofile data and passwords that they set, as the script crashed before it could get to that point. (no data being copied to xprofile tables). I fixed their profiles by selecting damaged users from the wp_signups table and running the code from bp-core-signup.php that was missed due to crashes.

    This code updates all users from the 20th of august to today (the date range of the problem)


    require( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-load.php’ );
    global $bp, $wp, $wpdb;

    $users = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM wp_signups WHERE registered > ‘2011-08-22 00:00:00′”);

    $user_id = $user;

    foreach ($users as $dbuser){

    echo $dbuser->user_login . ‘
    $meta = unserialize($dbuser->meta);
    $user_login = $wpdb->escape($dbuser->user_login);
    $user_email = $wpdb->escape($dbuser->user_email);
    $password = wp_generate_password( 12, false );
    $user_id = username_exists($user_login);

    $user = array(‘blog_id’ => ‘0’, ‘user_id’ => $user_id, ‘password’ => $password, ‘title’ => $signup->title, ‘meta’ => $meta);

    if ( function_exists( ‘xprofile_set_field_data’ ) ) {
    if ( !empty( $user ) ) {
    $profile_field_ids = explode( ‘,’, $user );

    foreach( (array)$profile_field_ids as $field_id ) {
    $current_field = $user[“field_{$field_id}”];

    if ( !empty( $current_field ) )
    xprofile_set_field_data( $field_id, $user_id, $current_field );

    /* Update the user_url and display_name */
    wp_update_user( array( ‘ID’ => $user_id, ‘user_url’ => bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id, sanitize_title( $user_login ), $user_login ), ‘display_name’ => bp_core_get_user_displayname( $user_id ) ) );

    /* Add a last active entry */
    update_user_meta( $user_id, ‘last_activity’, bp_core_current_time() );

    /* Set the password on multisite installs */
    if ( bp_core_is_multisite() && !empty( $user ) )
    $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_pass = %s WHERE ID = %d”, $user, $user_id ) );

    /* Delete the total member cache */
    wp_cache_delete( ‘bp_total_member_count’, ‘bp’ );


    echo ‘all done’;



    What if the activation email is not going out??
    Admin profile viewing question is also still out there.


    OK so I’ve had the same problem and have built a very clumsy workaround.

    PROBLEM: When the user click the email verification it sends them to verify.php and logs them in to WP but my Buddypress doesn’t know they are logged in and asks them to login. If the user just ignores the login request there is no problem but users don’t do that so they try to login and get the same “error..please provide a valid activation key” message because the account is already active.

    MY RUBBISH ANSWER: The only thing that worked for me was to hide the BP admin bar and handle login links manually then change the text on the verify.php to a simple ‘congratulations, you’re in’ message. The downside of this is that I lost the use of my BP-Sliding-Login-Panel which I love. so I would be very grateful for a real solution to this.

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