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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #238255

    Hi thanks for your reply. I am using a clean install. The joomla and WP sites are totally unrelated as they are installed on separate DB’s. This was a single install.

    It isnt a buddyboss issue as the issue happens without Buddyboss being activated.



    you are using joomla on the mainsite and WordPress on the subdomain.
    Question is: is WP sharing the same DB as joomla or have you a complete separate install (db & cms) for your WP/BP site ?
    Which type of WP install do you use ? Single or network ? (more about)
    Are mainsite users and wp site users the same people ?

    BuddyBoss has his own support forum. You probably have better to ask there directly.


    Hey @danbp,

    Thanks for the tip but in the meantime I went and bought Buddyboss Wall and that seems to be doing the job perfectly.

    I think I was having trouble as I am using a completely blanked WP theme with everything stripped so I can style everything to my liking. But the css structure of both WP & BP can get very confusing at times πŸ˜‰


    Ok, I know it’s not the correct php way, but in lieu of any other option I’ve found how to remove showing it with css – posted in BuddyBoss here: and I put this code…
    #buddypress #admins-list div.action a, #buddypress #mods-list div.action a, #buddypress #members-list div.action a, #buddypress #groups-list div.action a, #buddypress #friend-list div.action a{display:none;}
    in my child theme style.css file.
    Hope it helps other who are stuck too πŸ™‚



    I recently upgraded my site with a new theme (BuddyBoss Boss. theme) and am running WP 4.1.1 and upgraded from BuddyPress 1.9.2 to 2.2.1.

    I have a setup where I redirect the activation e-mail to the site admin to be able to manually control new members and verify their information before activating them and letting them log in. This is a cruical function for my site since it’s a private network.

    After the upgrade I noticed that some spam users were automatically activated and able to log in without my manual activation. The users are automatically activated, the same issue as @RussAdams is experiencing. I’ve tried deactivating a few plugins (BuddyPress Pending Activations, BuddyPress Auto Group Join) but this issue persists. In BuddyPress 1.9.2, everything was working as expected.

    Browser sessions doesn’t seem to be the issue since clearly people on other computers have been able to create accounts which were automatically activated as well.

    This is a very serious issue for my site since I no longer have the control over new users and spam users can log in after activating. Did you get this sorted out?

    full moon

    Okay, so I think I have a working resolve. Using buddyboss theme, I have removed the below code.

    <li id="activity-all"><a>" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'The public activity for everyone on this site.', 'buddyboss-mobile' ); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'All Members <span>%s</span>', 'buddyboss-mobile' ), bp_get_total_member_count() ); ?></a></li>

    and selected

    <li class="selected" id="activity-mentions"><a>" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Activity that I have been mentioned in.', 'buddyboss-mobile' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mentions', 'buddyboss-mobile' ); ?><?php if ( bp_get_total_mention_count_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ) : ?> <strong><span><?php printf( _nx( '%s new', '%s new', bp_get_total_mention_count_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id() ), 'Number of new activity mentions', 'buddyboss-mobile' ), bp_get_total_mention_count_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ); ?></span></strong><?php endif; ?></a></li>

    the main feature being class=”selected” at the beginning to auto select this tab. So even if the user has no friends, then this Tab will still be available, making the All Members updates not viewable.

    lets see how this goes…..


    And it seems, the two shall never meet ……

    BTW @statusselect, have you been able to use with Easysocial with Likes/Favs comment sync between the two – stream to blog, blog to stream

    The two things lacking in BP after I saw Easysocial in some details is the
    – Sharebox – it comes with nice at mention and hashtag ( hashtag plugin in BP is not Unicode compliant)
    – Album and photo – nicely built into core – something not in BP’s agenda with their own reasoning.

    The Sharebox which Easysocial uses can be instantly done in BP by someone who has some coding skills and BP love using the plugins avaialble – buddypress activity plus, buddypress privacy, bp checkins, Event Manager and a Media plugin. But then ….

    Easysocial theme is responsive in a fantastic way and similar BP theme like the Boss of Buddyboss costs $100+ while Easysocial, without the bbundle is $90 – so this may be another attractive point for those who need Social more than multiuser blogging. Easysocial is lesser known till now and probably they do not have a favorable stance towards WP.

    And the two shall never meet ….
    People shall choose whatever they want, and BP devs and debvelopment will follow the path that suits them best. One thing is true, if BP was something like Jetpack, things would have evolved faster, imho



    In reply to: Activation Issue


    Went down to zero plugins, except BuddyPress. Changed to the BuddyBoss parent theme and Twenty Fifteen.


    In reply to: Activation Issue


    Theme is BuddyBoss 4.1.5.

    Plugins, I have stripped down to the bare minimum, to keep my site somewhat functional (all are updated to latest version):
    BuddyBoss Media
    BuddyBoss Wall
    BubbyPress Captcha
    BuddyPress Security Check
    Jetpack Only For Admins
    Remove Dashboard Access

    I even deactivated most of these to strip it down even more and created a new account. Still having the issue.


    Hi @sklemenc,

    you use a commercial theme and need support, please go to their official support channel. In order to be good stewards of the WordPress community, and encourage innovation and progress, we feel it’s important to direct people to those official locations.

    Forum volunteers are also not given access to commercial products, so they would not know why your commercial theme or plugin is not working properly. This is one other reason why volunteers forward you to the commercial product’s vendors. The vendors are responsible for supporting their commercial product.


    I am using BuddyBoss 1.0.5 – I am pretty sure these social fields are included in the new release.

    I’ll address the request to them.



    ah yah!
    my mistake – this is a BuddyBoss theme issue.

    many thanks @danbp



    Hi @henrywright,

    I am using buddyboss (child theme), tested it with default wp theme and buddyboss parent.

    I also found this thread started a few weeks ago, and I think @melle328 is right, this happens if the group is first set as public and later changed to private or as in my case- group forum is set to public first and then chosen as the private’s group forum.

    So far it seems that if users create a group and a forum and later change their settings- the activity privacy is not updated. I keep testing different options as we speak, so I find something new, I will post it too.


    In reply to: Updating

    Mathieu Viet


    Sorry to read you’re having an issue after updating to latest version.

    The problem is due to the BuddyBoss media plugin. It looks like it’s calling a BuddyPress function too early in the process. Unfortunately, it’s a premium plugin so it’s hard for me to find what’s going wrong. Could you contact the support team of this plugin to report the problem ?

    If the support team needs any help, i’ll be glad to bring my hands on it.


    Try using a WP default theme besides BuddyBoss and see if you still experience the same problem.

    If there is still an issue, it might be a plugin conflict.


    Since BuddyBoss is a premium theme, your purchase entitles you to paid support.
    So you’re better off asking those questions on the BuddyBoss support system.


    Default BP does allow to see other users’ Favorits in the Favorit tab in Profile page – why does Buddyboss kills this? At least site admin should be able to turn it on or off.

    I see what you mean. We will consider adding an admin option.

    Buddyboss is never meant to load every plugin but if a chosen few are bundled, it will be really good rather than re-inventing wheels at premium plugins, features of which are already available in the WP-BP repo. If users like us see thay they are well integrated into the Buddyboss look and feel there can be more sales of the Buddyboss theme actually.

    I appreciate all of the feedback, very much. Our plan is to expand on these plugins and make them more feature rich, launch more premium plugins and themes, and also free plugins for the community over the year.

    We launched two free plugins this week which you may be interested in:

    Search all BP components in one unified dropdown:

    Edit BP activity from the front-end:



    but the tab to see all of their Likes is only available to them for privacy reasons.

    In BP-buddyboss river, everyone can see what I have liked – so it is not private. Default BP does allow to see other users’ Favorits in the Favorit tab in Profile page – why does Buddyboss kills this? At least site admin should be able to turn it on or off.

    Wall does not have every FB feature,

    buddypress-activity-plus allows to post link, video etc quite nicely and is thus more user-friendly than the premium Wall plugin, imho. There is also a plugin by Brajesh that allow front-end blog posting via BP

    Buddyboss is never meant to load every plugin but if a chosen few are bundled, it will be really good rather than re-inventing wheels at premium plugins, features of which are already available in the WP-BP repo. If users like us see thay they are well integrated into the Buddyboss look and feel there can be more sales of the Buddyboss theme actually.

    We may make a spam solution at some point in time. This is a tricky one. Every solution you make only works for a bit, then the spammers figure out your tactic and update

    Let wp com users at least post to pre-sales and/or free discussion forum. You can do this via jetpack


    I actually would have missed since this thread has become old! But thanks for responding at last.

    1) Can I “Like” from a blog post and it will show in the activity stream? And vice versa?
    2) Can an user see a collection of another users’ Likes? In the demo I saw this missing
    3) How does the theme behaves in WP Multisite set up and/or with a standard 3rd party plugin eg buddypress-activity-privacy.1.3.3?
    4) Media solution by buddyboss is separately priced but seems incomplete:
    – Cannot mark directly on photo, see photo tagging in FB or other php scripts
    – Cannot do multiple ( but max number settable by site admin) photo upload simultaneously
    – Media files not integrated in WP media etc
    5) How does the interface look like when one submits a blog – is he thrown out of the theme?
    6) Less important – Wall comes as a separate premium plugin but does not let you post blog/event/location – nothing except photo. It has also only river display – some premium themes similarly priced offers both river and card display. No profile cover photo also ?

    True, we used to have an open forum, but we had too many spam signups and closed it to customers only.

    I will request you to make a custom solution for yourself to prevent spam signups. This will be more creditable stuff encouraging us to go for custom solutions to Buddyboss. Thanks again.

    Paul Bursnall


    My advice would be to use this plugin instead for a wall:

    BuddyBoss Wall

    There’s nothing in this for me, it’s purely a recommendation. But the guys at BuddyBoss are very good.


    Hey guys, this is Michael from BuddyBoss.

    Thanks for the kind words πŸ™‚


    Can you please share a link?

    The next theme will be available later this month, so check back at every so often and you’ll see it advertised there. It is an entirely new concept.

    If you really want to play with it now, send an email to support at buddyboss dot com asking to be a beta tester, and I’ll let you in.


    do you know how to contact the Buddyboss people for pre-sales queries?

    Here I am, ask away πŸ™‚

    They seem to have no open forum

    True, we used to have an open forum, but we had too many spam signups and closed it to customers only.

    I submitted some queries via their contact form – and got no reply from them – its 4 days.

    Sorry to hear. We are usually faster, but may have been slower due to the holiday season. What email did you send from? (you can PM me this if you prefer)

    I visited the Buddyboss demo but it does not show how standard Blog post…

    Here is a sample blog post:

    Front-end posting…

    We are going to build a plugin for front-end blog posting. In general we prefer to put big features in plugins rather than themes, so they can work with any theme. Then we style that functionality in our themes so it looks really nice.

    Do the Buddyboss people frequent this forum ? If they do and answered such queries it would be a good sign indeed.

    I check out forums pretty frequently and answer questions πŸ™‚


    I found that most buddypress responsive themes are based on bootstrap – and since rtmedia loads a lot of bootstrap, and font awesome stuff, things would break when I put them together..

    Agreed, bootstrap bloats stuff and causes problems. BuddyBoss themes (current and future) are just CSS and media queries. We’re not using bootstrap.


    In reply to: How to "Like" ?


    feel free to check out the BP Jobs Forum

    The forums listed here are:

    Installing BuddyPress
    How-to & Troubleshooting
    Creating & Extending
    Requests & Feedback
    Third Party Plugins
    Your BuddyPress
    Plugin Forums

    I am not finding any Jobs Forum. The Devs that seem to be doing some good work in this respect are devs from Buddyboss – but they are making no replies to contact from submissions and they have no open forums.


    In reply to: How to "Like" ?


    @ubernaut please do not take β€œimmediately” in the literal sense of the term. Nothing is immediate in free+open source unless very enthusiastic code-wizard young non-commercial dev is there. What I meant is that delaying the mile-stone in such an user-facing necessity is unwelcome. Again I know there can be lots of argument as what is a “necessity”

    Paid development has its problem. I saw the paid work by buddyboss who has its own implementation of likes – but it is far from satisfactory. There are two problems in hiring a dev (apart from the fact this is for non-advertisement free hobby site):
    1) The dev cannot change the core of WP and BP unless it changes ‘itself’
    2) No guarantee that dev will be available in future also

    Paul Bursnall

    @disha76 Did the BuddyBoss guys get back to you?


    Hi style960, do you know how to contact the Buddyboss people for pre-sales queries? They seem to have no open forum for this and probably has closed the Q-A page in FAQ.

    I submitted some queries via their contact form – and got no reply from them – its 4 days. But the Rtcamp guys seem to be prompt at least in this respect- they reply very fast.

    I will be interested in such a theme if they can solve the “Like” problem of WP-BP. I visited the Buddyboss demo but it does not show how standard Blog post or Gallery blog posts of a standard WP 4.1 would look – blog post submission pages are missing too.

    Do the Buddyboss people frequent this forum ? If they do and answered such queries it would be a good sign indeed.

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