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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #231473
    Paul Bursnall

    @ronia I can only speak from my own experience of using BuddyBoss and I can’t speak highly enough with regards the quality of their products and the support they offer (which is truly exceptional).

    My advice would be to sit tight for short while – the BuddyBoss team are beta testing a new theme which I know addresses some of the issues you’ve raised above, specifically the profile cover photo. These are available on Profile and Group pages, and be can turned on/off in the Customizer.

    I can’t speak for the Media side of it as I don’t use photos on my site. But BuddyMedia 2.0 has just been released on the BuddyBoss site which includes the option to tag friends.

    In terms of mobile responsiveness BuddyBoss blows everything else out of the water. Open their site on your mobile, or sign up and try the demo. RTCamp doesn’t come close.

    Like I say, they have a new theme coming, I have it setup for testing myself. I’d wait for that.


    In reply to: Facebook-esk Features

    Petar Cetinich

    This could maybe help them feel more comfortable

    However it isn’t a Direct mobile solution but it does bridge the gap to a Facebook-esk feel.




    hi @ahd904,

    behind your tech question, two things need some clarification at least.


    I just want to hide some of the group creation steps as these might make the users think too complicated to join the community.

    Register process doesn’t include group creation, nore joigning a group, so i guess you are thinking about a problem that doesn’t exist at this stage.

    If you allow your users to create groups, they have to follow the 3 creation steps, because it is intended so in BuddyPress. Thinking that this might be to complicated, implies that you think that your users are not able to do this. Mabe you’re right, but maybe not. Anyway in this case, simply deactivate group creation for users and create users groups yourself.
    Assuming that you don’t think it’s too complicated for the user to click on “join group” ! šŸ™„

    As @bphelp said with reason, what your question implies needs some extra coding and much more as a simple snippet. You can do many things with BuddyPress, but not everithing or anything. šŸ˜‰

    Core simplification is a hard work (see Trac), so don’t expect that your goal could be reached easily, as BP will never be a “one click” tool. IMO this plugin is already very easy to use as is.

    That said, you could imagine your project differently and perhaps apply another strategy.
    For example, the ability for users to join automatically a group at registration. 2 plugins can do that actually.

    • This one allows a new BuddyPress user to select groups to join during the registration process. You create the group, user choose his group.
    • This one create a new Group when a new user sign up. But what will happen when you have 50 registration by day, spammers included ?

    In both case, pros and cons have to be considered.

    if you love the snippets and sweat on your site, here are two other options.


    @r-a-y Yes mate, you have summarized it correctly.

    May i add one other important note though, this has NOT just started happening, this has been happening in buddypress since i started using it in 1.9!

    I have been mentioning this issue for a while , i have tested this on 3 different live servers and a home setup using desktopserver, all with fresh installs of wordpress and buddypress alone (NO OTHER PLUGINS EVERYTIME), How many times have i tested since 1.9? well lets say its gotta be at least 100 fresh installs of wordpress all with default themes since wordpress 3.7 ish.

    if you want to go look for yourself there is a perfect example of this happening at buddyboss demo theme if you log in and hit the load more button then add over 5 comments to a test status then refresh it and scroll down and hit load more again, you can do this here where you will then notice they are not collapsed .


    Hi, thanks

    No the issue persists when i use any theme, even default twenty fourteen.
    BuddyBoss does not edit the group creation page.

    How could i rectify the problem above? which file should i re-upload?


    I suspect a theme issue.
    [ I cannot recreate this issue with WP 4, BP 2.1, standard WP theme ]

    You’re using BuddyBoss theme – your issue is best addressed to them.

    Some hints:
    Looking at the page source you provided, several things are missing.
    No ul tags, li is opened but not closed, etc.
    The form appears but the fields do not.

    This is how the first step form fields should appear – compare it to yours.

    <div class="item-list-tabs no-ajax" id="group-create-tabs" role="navigation">
    	<li class="current"><a href=".../groups/create/step/group-details/">1. Details</a></li>
    	<li><span>2. Settings</span></li>
    	<li><span>3. Photo</span></li>
    	<li><span>4. Invites</span></li>

    Update! ok ive been that frustrated with this i have just been over to the buddyboss demo theme and logged in as test user to see if it was happening there to, and guess what? same problem!

    Now i think i am either going mad or this feature was never in buddypress and only hides more than 5 comments on the first page of activity updates? i could of swore it used to work for me after clicking load more? am i going mad or what guys? any feedback will be appreciated, and if indeed this is normal behaviour for buddypress then all i can ask is why?

    surely something like this should of been adressed ages ago, i know you guys have been working on the speed and queries etc which is outstanding work šŸ™‚ but what about all these little details that need adressing? there is no such plugin to help with this issue, and surely it would be great to also have collapsable and expanding comments so you can collapse them again?
    the commenting system is very awkward if there is alot of people commenting.

    who really likes to scroll through a couple of hundred comments on one post if its not interesting to them? does anyone have a fix for this in any form? @henrywright do you have any takes on this pal?


    plugins I would recommend:

    This adds images/video/links to your activity wall, which is a facebook-ish function.
    There is another plugin in the making which should be an improved version called BP-attachments

    Allows people to upload images to the forum, easier then the existing system.

    And ofcourse the facebook plugin.

    These plugins and some playing around with my templates allowed me to make a facebook-ish site.

    I also suggest to look into a theme called BuddyBoss, it is a change but this is a very facebook inspired theme.

    Good luck


    I didn’t find anything in that link useful. The site is, the theme is buddyboss. On the outside everything appears fine. It all used to work fine until I used that repair option. I haven’t had any updates recently. This also appears to only be an issue in the dashboard so I’m not sure the theme is related, my guess is this is a backend failure, probably something that needs to be fixed in the database.


    Iā€™ve tested this against all my other plugins and themes and it seems to just be happening on this theme (called buddyboss).

    Sorry to learn that you’re having that issue. It’s great that you took the initiative to troubleshoot and identify the cause. I can only say at this point that the best place to find resolution would be at the premium theme author’s forums because we do not have access to the theme.


    S O L V E D.

    Hi! i just created an account and loged to say SPEACIAL THANKS to the @buddyboss.
    i was worked hard on a theme and found this bug after all works… i was sooo mad/sad.

    hey guy you are a BOSS!


    @essam12 Wall posts are BuddyBoss theme-specific features. I would suggest that you also post at the premium theme’s forums.

    Paul Bursnall

    @mercime If you visit you can see the sidebar is present on every page. I set the ‘left sidebar’ template for the Register page, but no sidebar displayed. I then contact Buddyboss support who advised of the page template above to edit. Which I’ve also done, but still no sidebar will show. Off the top of my head, is it not the case that the Register page has no call to sidebar? I’ve swapped around with a few themes recently and saw the same issue on each one.



    Iā€™m advised by Buddyboss support to call the sidebar on this page: /buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/register.php … I am editing the right file?

    No idea why their support is advising you to call the sidebar on the bp-default theme instead of using BP theme compatibility as we have no access to the premium theme. Perhaps you just need to clarify what they really meant by asking them to provide you with an example. Surely, you are not the only on who wants a sidebar in that theme.


    @buddyboss AHHHHHHH THANK YOU! Does exactly what I want, so lovely.

    So many hours and lines of code wasted… haha


    Fragment caching would be ideal, but that really needs to be built into BP core. You can do it on your own but you’ll be hacking up template files right and left and it will be hard to update later. A lot of effort if you don’t NEED it. I would suggest Object Caching as Paul Gibbs said.

    Ideally you will use APC object caching as it’s really fast (stores cached values in RAM). If you use W3TC with file caching (default) it will not be as fast as it has to read from files.

    Hereā€™s a tutorial I wrote about how to enable Object Caching on BuddyPress:

    Caching BuddyPress


    If you are hosting with a VPS or other setup where you have server admin access, you can contact your web host and request that they install APC on your server (itā€™s free) and then it will be available to you as a very fast method for Object Caching. Generally you cannot install APC on a shared hosting environment. APC stores the cached values in RAM, which is why I recommend at least 2GB of RAM for ideal server performance.

    Once your web host has confirmed that APC is installed and working, you will then need to enable it for WordPress with a plugin. My recommended method is with the APC Object Cache Backend plugin (as Paul Gibbs suggested). This is not a true plugin, but rather a ā€œdrop-inā€ file. As such, you do not actually activate the plugin. You just need to copy the object-cache.php file into your /wp-content/ directory. You donā€™t even need to upload the actual plugin. Thatā€™s it! As long as you have APC installed on your server and have placed the file correctly, APC-powered Object Caching should now be enabled and you should begin seeing performance improvements. To confirm that itā€™s working, you can type this into your browser while logged in as an admin: (change!). It should show APC Object Cache as a drop-in, and if so, you now have a good caching method enabled.


    And here’s a tutorial for setting up a CDN with WordPress/BuddyPress. This makes such a big difference and is really easy and cheap to set up. A no brainer.

    Content Delivery Network


    Here’s a tutorial I wrote about how to enable Object Caching on BuddyPress:

    Caching BuddyPress


    If you are hosting with a VPS or other setup where you have server admin access, you can contact your web host and request that they install APC on your server (itā€™s free) and then it will be available to you as a very fast method for Object Caching. Generally you cannot install APC on a shared hosting environment. APC stores the cached values in RAM, which is why I recommend at least 2GB of RAM for ideal server performance.

    Once your web host has confirmed that APC is installed and working, you will then need to enable it for WordPress with a plugin. My recommended method is with the APC Object Cache Backend plugin (as Paul Gibbs suggested). This is not a true plugin, but rather a ā€œdrop-inā€ file. As such, you do not actually activate the plugin. You just need to copy the object-cache.php file into your /wp-content/ directory. You donā€™t even need to upload the actual plugin. Thatā€™s it! As long as you have APC installed on your server and have placed the file correctly, APC-powered Object Caching should now be enabled and you should begin seeing performance improvements. To confirm that itā€™s working, you can type this into your browser while logged in as an admin: (change!). It should show APC Object Cache as a drop-in, and if so, you now have a good caching method enabled.



    I did a test on a clean wordpress/buddypress/bbpress install, same problem (no plugins except buddy press/bbpress).

    Thx for the tip, i’ve planned to look into this one in new release (parallel to a new buddyboss rel.).

    In the meantime I’ve created a ticket … this is a bug.

    Very nice corporate site btw, we don’t have those vista’s here in the Netherlands.



    Thx for looking Julian. I did check with Buddyboss (they are great indeed). I tested with a none Buddyboss theme/install (wp 2013 en 2014) … same problem. It’s most definitely a Buddypress issue.

    The guys from Buddyboss made a note of my problem, but I won’t hold my breath for this one.

    Can I elevate this problem as a bug?

    Best regards,



    Did you check with BuddyBoos maybe they would know better. I did go to search since I don’t know Dutch I searched “Jupiter”. & got sent to activity page than try to show Posts but nothing for the results.

    Maybe look at your widgets for search posts. Also it could be something with you making your home page something other than a static page and/or recent blog posts.

    BuddyBoss are suppose to be great so I would probably ask them.

    Aron Prins

    But this has nothing to do with the bp-default theme? This is a theme that is based on twitter bootstrap customized to match with a buddypress site. It also works with WordPress that has no BP enabled…

    I feel that there are just a few really good themes for BuddyPress out there like BuddyBoss and recently InspireBook by rtCamp. Im looking to contribute to that list šŸ˜‰



    Not happening for me too. On Buddyboss 3.1.7 – will report to the developers


    View profile is working for me…checked with bp default and buddyboss theme

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