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  • #98734

    Thank you!!!


    Simple revisions via adding some styles in active theme’s style.css file
    #1 can be addressed by adding `{ display: none; }` to specific widget’s avatar image
    #2 which list are you referring to? In any case, add missing styles for the the overlapping images in lists with something like `{ float: left; clear: left; }` specific to the list ID or class
    #3 can add styling like `body.members img.avatar { width: 35px; height: 35px; }`

    Hugo Ashmore

    @pcgs51 please don’t post questions twice it’s considered bad form and will not get attention any quicker and causes us unnecessary work.

    Locking this thread please continue in the other one you started:



    Just tested it. I made a functions.php in my child theme and it works….well not really. I have the extra form field showing, but it is not working. I added the extra field to the database, but it is not working. I will have to test it more, but at least I now have some what of a clue of how BP works. I will play with it more before asking anymore questions….thanks for your help!


    In reply to: Profile Custom Fields


    We should add more to the codex about profiles…. I’m tied up for a few days. If not tackled by Thursday then I’ll add a page with some text and links to questions (with answers).


    Thanks so much! I used and it worked perfectly! All I need to solve now is the admin bar issue which I have posted here:



    Thanks very much for your reply!

    1) I am actually using the same child theme for all of the blogs. I’ve noticed that every blog expect from the primary domain blog has the following reference:

    This is inserted in the head section with the code below which I assume means it’s from the database

    ^ I only need to edit one line from that file but it doesn’t exist so I don’t know what to do :D It doesn’t work if I use a CSS over right either :(

    2 & 3 Thank you soooo much! You’ve moved 2 current and many future problems for me! May I ask which plugin you personally recommend?


    1) Depends if you’re using the same theme/child theme for both/all blogs. If you are doing so, both should have same styles.
    2) or
    3) see New Bkig Defaults plugin above

    Boone Gorges

    For the first stage of the process (blog, feeds, twitter integration) BuddyPress is overkill. WordPress by itself will be great for this purpose.

    If you want forums and other social features, BuddyPress will be a good option. The best place to start is by installing BP on a test installation, playing around with it and asking questions in these forums. Good luck!

    Alexander Starz

    Same problem here. Developed a huge buddypress project because of the announced solution. Now we are getting problems and questions why we were building on this system. Regards, Alex

    Maryke van Rensburg

    Sorry, this is the code for my header
    `<?php if (is_home () ) { bloginfo('name'); } elseif ( is_category() ) { single_cat_title(); if(get_bloginfo('name') != "") echo ' – ' ; bloginfo('name'); }<br /> elseif (is_single() ) { single_post_title(); }<br /> elseif (is_page() ) { bloginfo(‘name’); if(get_bloginfo(‘name’) != “”) echo ‘: ‘; single_post_title(); }<br /> else { wp_title(”,true); } ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/script.js”>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="” href=”” />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="” href=”” />
    <link rel="pingback" href="” />


    Narada Das

    Please pardon my slight rudeness in a previous post caused by tiredness and my newbie frustration with the functionality here.
    I do very much appreciate the effort that it must all take and the unique contribution you make through BP.
    Please allow me to ‘buy you a beer’…
    I am having trouble getting answers to some fairly simple questions
    that I am surprised I cannot find solutions to – such as this one above.


    Thanks – I had pasted in the code I used but it didn’t show up in here…. What I had found on the forum here from someone was using “ so I put that in and that made the buddypress bar show fine but the rest of the footer was gone.

    Sorry if my question is outside the focus of the boards – I’m new to this and I had seen a few other people ask about it and people offering a fix, so I assumed that is was ok to ask. Is this not a place for buddypress working with wordpress multisite questions?

    Hugo Ashmore

    @emailaya While we will always try to help out you have to bear in mind that this is volunteer unpaid support geared towards BP issues.

    In respect of lack of replies this thread is barely 24 hours old , it’s the weekend and sane people are taking a break from the stresses of coding.

    Another factor is that you issues are not unique and are asked many times over this means to some extent that there are many threads to be found and glanced over to see if they help. seeking help on support forums is very much a pro active exercise and it helps enormously if the OP is seen to be seeking some answers from threads and /or feeding the thread with pertinent info if things have been tried.

    To some degree this issue is not really one of BP’s making it sounds as though you are not able to correctly write to the .htaccess file, so questions arise that need to be investigated such as are you running Apache or IIS servers ? If Apache, is mod_rewrite enabled?

    Internal server error 500’s tend to mean an incorrect syntax usage in the .htaccess file and it is unforgiving of errors in the file. You mention uploading? an .htaccess file, what was in it? but later ask if the 500 error was due to apache access being removed, that is slightly confusing and contradictory but no you wouldn’t get an error if apache couldn’t access the file just simply that nothing would happen, unless your web host has some odd configs at work.

    You may well need to contact your tech support and ask them some of the questions here and perhaps explain that the server/group needs write access to the .htaccess file otherwise you will need to copy and paste the entries yourself and upload, when you try and change permalinks if it can’t write to the file it will display what it needed to write so that you may copy it manually.


    am i really asking for too much?
    please explain me what am i doing wrong that my questions get almost no replies


    In reply to: Buddyvents 1.2.2


    This plugin looks great, I’m hoping to purchase it soon for my project.

    A couple of questions though:

    – I was wondering if events info, such as the main events map, could be placed on my BP homepage easily enough?
    – When do you expect v2 to be released?

    Many thanks.

    Roger Coathup

    @anindyaray – to write your own theme for BuddyPress, you will need to have a basic knowledge of PHP. The PHP ‘if’ statement is fairly fundamental.

    Checking the tutorial on the PHP site would be a good start: – then your questions on here can be BuddyPress specific, rather than PHP, allowing this forum to help you (and others) more effectively



    haven’t time to check full code yet, but Cindy (author) replied that everything works fine for her. She is really open for help, contact her with any further questions you have.


    For such common questions, please read first here:

    For the logo URL, take a look in bp-default/header.php


    We have a support forum at where we answer all support questions related to Buddyvents, so once you purchased the plugin you’d get access to the forums and get all the info you need to adjust Buddyvents.


    In reply to: Who Owns BuddyDev ?


    There is no WP ethos of free software for all. With all the licensing discussions going on, most people have completely misunderstood what it was all about. Free (as in the GPL software license) only means that any further development of GPL software has to be published under the same license (if the software is being released) and that, once you have the software, you can do whatever you please with it. Free does not mean, though, that you can get access to this software without paying. It’s perfectly ok to charge for GPL software.

    Most developers, who charge for a plugin or premium themes, still give back to the community by answering questions in forums or uploading other plugins and themes to the WP repository. For some plugins 50+ hours have been spent on development. That’s a lot of money and time right there, but people still expect not to pay anything.

    I guess we’ll be seeing more and more paid plugins and themes crop up over the next year. It’s not a bad thing, it’ll give users more choice (there usually is a free alternative around somewhere) and if someone buys a plugin/theme, then afterwards you can expect great support, which does not always happen with a free plugin.

    Just me 2 cents :)


    I agree with @hnla.. I’ve made a pretty nice pre-sales forum here:

    I would gladly explain more about the features and tell you more.

    @whitbyglennk: the demo you saw was from BP-Minimal, a FREE theme to be released soon. BP-Slick is a different Premium Theme and a feature overview can be viewed here: I can safely say that it’s the most feature rich premium BuddyPress theme too date, but you have to decide for yourself if you think it’s worth it. If you have any questions just let me know ok ? Also upgrades are indeed free and new styles and color variations can be submitted by the community in the support group. There will also be templates for popular 3rd Party Plugins. I do not believe in monthly subscriptions and the theme will be upgrade free for as long as BuddyPress keeps using the Parent-Child Theme structure (which will be forever I presume)

    @Pisanojm: Check out which runs on BP-Slick and check out the demo and select the “BP-Slick Theme” in the sidebar to view the demo!

    Hugo Ashmore

    There are ways of saying things and there are ways of saying things Glen :)

    TBH I’m not sure these sorts of discussions should be directed to and made on the site in question though, is there not a forum/group where one can ask questions of the author/s in advance of possible use?


    same question here! just started with BuddyPress and this was one of my first questions.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    John was going to put it out yesterday (Sunday) afternoon at WC NYC. John, Boone and I decided to grab a room which wasn’t planned for anything else and just wrote “BuddyPress” on the schedule. We thought we’d have a couple of questions and then time to get the release out and do some planning.

    However, we had a fantastic response and had a lot of people coming in and asking all sorts of questions about BuddyPress. I want to let John release 1.2.6, as it’s his baby. I know John’s flying back home today — and I’m flying home tomorrow — so hopefully sometime this week? I really have nothing else to say other than sorry :)

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