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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • ludovic07

    I have had difficulty translating certain words into French for a week. All the text is correctly translated, except some words on the ‘Activity’ page. It’s untranslated words are ‘”Friends”, “xprofile”, “Activity”, “groups” …

    Here are the operations I did:
    – I have started to delete all my personalized translations.
    – I download the last “.po” file (buddypress-7.2.1-fr_FR) from glotpress in wp-content/languages/plugins.
    – In poedit, I executed the file verification: no error. The whole file is translated. There are warnings (yellow triangles) but I don’t think this must be annoying.
    – I read other topics which look like this problem but nothing works.

    So I’m desperately looking for where to look!
    Thanks for your help!


    I have problem with email translation. I use WPML. My main language is english. I have the english emails but if I proceed to translation I have to type all the messages in all the languages (I have 6 languages) while the emails should be already translates. I tried to import the email using the import tool of wordpress but the email are not sent. If i try to translate, the field “situation” are blank and only I see the checkboxes without the text so i can’t match.


    In reply to: Translation problem


    It´s been a while, but I am dealing with something similar now. So that might help…

    Say what?

    That seems to be the easiest way to add some missing translations. After installation you can find the plugin in WordPress under “Tools”. In my case I translated the Original-String “Engagements” with the Textdomain “buddypress”.


    Hi, I need help about language mo file.
    How to update the language file.
    I checked documentation and it was written.

    You can use your own translation version to fit your needs. Add it to /wp-content/languages/buddypress/. This new directory will not be automatically updated, so it is a safe place to store your custom work. BuddyPress will check for this directory as first. If nothing is found, it will use the translation stored wp-content/languages/plugins/. You can use both directories, so you will never miss an official translation and continue to use your own one. Simply remind to control your work after each BuddyPress update, with help of the buddypress.pot file.

    But, I guess BuddyPress will not check for this directory as first. I tried some ways. Maybe wp-content/languages/plugins/ path as first.

    Mathieu Viet

    Hi @mociofiletto

    Thanks for contributing to Italian translation. I confirm strings should be fine. The %s placeholder is replaced by a link looking like this:

    '<a href="">' . __( 'Text of the link', 'buddypress' ) .'</a>'

    Maxime Jobin

    Nearly 3,000 strings later, the plugin is now available in French Canada.

    Thanks to all people that contributed. I submitted most of the translations and my name is associated to the translations but I’m not the one who did all that work. I simply submitted it.


    Hi everyone.
    I am using BuddyPress 6.2.0 and “loco translate”,
    my BuddyPress is 100% translated on loco translate, but some label does not show the original words.
    For example in the “Groups” page, “Create new group” is translated (which is a link), while “My Groups” and “All Groups” (which are buttons) show the original words and not the translation.
    please help me to fix it



    I’m French and I don’t understand what is an “email situation”?

    There is no good translation in french…

    Please, can you give me a link (in english) where I can find more information about this fonctionality?

    Thank you,

    David Cavins

    You can add a custom translation using something like Loco Translate. It sounds like the issue is in the translation string.


    Member List, after updating to the latest buddy-press version:
    There are some strange brackets ()

    All Members (XXX)
    My Friends (XXX)

    It is related with the german translation of BuddyPress.

    This parenthesis cannot be seen in English or French.
    However, those do appear in German, even if the standard WP theme is turned on.
    See screenshots:

    How can I aviod them?


    Hello! Thanks for the great plugins.
    I’m writing this question using a translation software because I’m Japanese and I don’t speak English.
    I’m sorry if it’s hard to read.

    What I want you to help me with is exactly what the title says.
    The private messaging feature, which works in legacy, doesn’t work in Nouveau.

    I first tried the contents of the two URLs below.
    It was 19 months ago, but only because it was so similar to the current situation.
    I’ve removed “https://&#8221; from the URL.

    But since it didn’t improve, the

    I installed the version of “6.0.0-RC2” on this site to make sure that it was fixed.
    However, the situation did not change.

    I was wondering if it was something I was going through.
    I tried everything I could to stop all other plugins, verify with various themes, change the PHP version, clear the cache, reinstall, etc., but it didn’t improve.

    The Nouveau feature is great, and I’d like to be able to use it somehow.

    Please help me.

    I also wrote a response to the list I found in
    I’m sorry if I’m wrong in my perception.

    1. which version of WordPress are you running?

    Answer: “Version 5.4.1-en.

    2. did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain installation?
    I did a quick install against the domain on the server.
    If the directory is installed, is it in the root or subdirectory?

    4. Have you upgraded from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    One front.

    5. was WordPress working properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? Examples: permalinks, creating a new post, comments.
    It was functioning properly.

    6. What version of BP are you running?

    7.Have you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    Are there any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which one is it?
    BuddyPress is not surprising.

    9.Are you using a standard WordPress theme or a customized theme?
    It’s standard stuff.

    10.Which theme do you use?

    11. Have you changed the core file in any way?

    Is there a custom function in bp-custom.php?

    13. if you’re running bbPress, which version is it? Or do you have bbPress built into your BuddyPress installation?
    No, I’m not using it.
    14.Please provide a list of errors in the server log file:
    Is this it?
    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /home/xx/ on line 904

    15. Which company offers your hosting?
    16.Is the server running Windows, or if it’s Linux…Apache, nginx or something else?
    It’s a server called the X server, I think it’s Windows.
    17. Which BP theme do you use?
    If you mean NOUVEAU or Legacy, then NOUVEAU.
    18. did you overload the BuddyPress template file?
    I don’t think they did.
    19. Are there any other site customizations that you think are relevant to the problem?
    No, sir.

    Basic troubleshooting.

    BP Themes: Is this issue specific to the theme set in Dashboard->Settings->BuddyPRess->Options?
    It only happens in NOUVEAU.
    You can use the private message feature normally in Legacy.


    I recently ran into the same problem!

    It was caused by a plugin called “Lazy Load”.
    I stopped the “Lazy Load” plugin and now I can trim it!
    I’d be honored if I could help you with the same cause!

    By the way, I’m Japanese and I use a translation software to write here.
    I’m sorry if the sentence is off.


    Hi guys, I’m having a real bug when I rename the slug for activities.
    I use the code
    define ( 'BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG', 'attivita' );
    when I enter the user’s activities, the actions (comments, favorite, delete) are not displayed. I analyzed the page code and noticed that the modified slug is inserted in the code
    <div class=" attivita-meta action">
    should stay
    <div class="activity-meta action">

    I deleted the code to translate the slug and everything goes back to normal. Where can I find the template file to edit this div?
    The problem is only present on the member activity page. in groups and general activities everything is ok even with the translation of the slug.

    Can anyone help me? Have you already encountered this problem?


    i did try to change the line in this file buddypress\bp-members\classes\class-bp-registration-theme-compat.php, and also change the translation with loco translator, but it never change


    The default theme is not used unless you select it as a WP theme – and it is very old and just there for legacy support.

    The string you want is here, on Line 3119

    $title = __( 'Activate Your Account', 'buddypress' );

    As you can see, it is ready for translation.
    You can see it in the language file, buddypress\buddypress.pot on Line 2984


    One translation string not work –
    ” Conversation between %s and you. “



    When i create or reply to a topic in french, it displays french texts for all languages.

    If i create or reply to a topic in english, it displays english texts for all languages.

    when i go to my website, set language english, and create a topic in a group, then go to my profile and i will see “… started the topic … in the forum” for all languages.

    also i have another error, i can’t translate the word ‘replied’, i enabled Look for strings while pages are rendered in WPML, and it still can’t find this word

    what is the issue


    Buddypress 5.1.2
    Loco Translate 2.3.1

    address of .po, .mo and .pot
    wp-content / plugins / buddypress / bp-languages /

    advance congiguration:
    template path bp-languages /wp-plugins-buddypress-stable-es_ES.pot
    Domain path:

    Hello, I’ve been having this issue when I try to translate my Buddypress plugin to Spanish. I already have all needed files for this translation to be successful.
    Even when I already filled the advance configuration, I still cannot get it to be translated when shown on

    I already translated each of my other plugins and all of them work just fine. Buddypress is the only plugin which is giving me troubles.

    Please, I really need help.
    Thank you all for taking the time to answer.


    In reply to: Translating BuddyPress


    Hi @techsector7,

    There should be information on for what to do, there is also a slack channel #polyglots (info on joining this where you can chat to other people on the team.

    Hopefully the above helps.


    In reply to: Translating BuddyPress


    Hello , thank you very much for your reply! I have already submitted over 100 translations , but I have noticed that the last activity from my countries locale editors is over 4 years old. Could you guide me into how I could send in a request to become a locale editor for my country?


    In reply to: Translating BuddyPress


    Hi @techsector7,

    Thanks for your interest in submitting the Serbian (Latin) translation of BuddyPress! You’re most welcome to do so. Looking at the Serbian translation of BP is at 15% for the stable version and 6% for the development version.

    Become a Translation Editor and select BuddyPress. Choose your preferred language e.g. German. Then select ‘Stable (latest release)’ or ‘Development (trunk)’. The translation needs to be at least 90% complete to be approved for the Stable/Dev languages.


    Hello, I have recently started translating BuddyPress to my native language , my question is if it is worth it and will the translations ever be reviewed and accepted ? Since I do not have time to waste would like to hear your feedback on this. The language in question is Serbian(Latin)



    I am using BoomBox Theme that is supporting also BuddyPress.

    I am running a Greek site and using the buddypress-el po. All bp-emails have common header and footer translation using those 2 texts

    Hi %s, (header)
    unsubscribe (footer)

    From all emails i get the translation to Greek normal, but there is one bp email that is set by the theme that it seems that i just get the strings not translated.

    You can see also here

    Any ideas?

    * I also found the related php files from the theme about this email template.


    Good morning. I installed Buddypress on an alterview blog with the Extra theme, all in Italian. I am practical in using “Loco Translate”, in fact I translated everything I needed, but an important thing remained for me: the first message that Buddypress sends to the newly registered user. I’ll explain.
    The new user registers by filling in all the fields and sends the request. At this point he receives the first email as below:


    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link and click on the Activate button:

    If the ‘Activation Key’ field is empty, copy and paste the following into the field – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Through Loco Translate I have traced the corresponding string but it has already been translated into Italian and despite everything THE ASPIRING NEW USER RECEIVES THE EMAIL IN ENGLISH. I tried to “synchronize” but the situation remains the same. Can anyone help me? I would be infinitely grateful to you.

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