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  • #115726

    SPAM ? What should be a profit to sending you on pages ?
    when You are in the title speaking about > Adding Posts to a BuddyPress Group
    AND in content:
    “Over the last few months I have had several clients requesting POST integration into the buddpress group structure. If anyone has BP experience customizing these aspects, your feedback would be GREATLY appreciated.”
    AND in other place you say:
    “Creating and editing posts on the front-end for members of a group, especially attempting to integrate the pop-up media manager can be very challenging.”

    AND I am responding you :
    Take a look here because Brajesh is working now on plugin because of adding this to his another very interesting plugin .. plugin , which when finished will enable front-end creating posts for members of a group.

    Sorry that I didn’t read and respond your other questions which I am not expert at all . Maybe I really don’t understand what do you exactly want.


    thanks @r-a-y

    I’m looking into this plugin and associated comments but have a couple of questions to ask that I cannot see an answer to elsewhere..
    Firstly, I only want to show my sites members update posts on the site activity page. Is there a setting in the plugin that will allow me to restrict all other activity posts apart from these.?

    Also, I’m not sure where to add the code for the admin update..?




    In reply to: restrict profile views

    Hugo Ashmore


    You’re not going to get told off again :) but I’m afraid you are asking coding questions, questions about how to adapt and modify a site and that requires a little coding knowledge, not everything is plugin based – although a lot is.

    Sorry pcwriter but don’t link to W3Schools it’s not that great a site and we forbade it’s mention on csscreator years ago :) One of the best resources for frontend coding is htmldog


    @T3Kaos yes, I saw your response and asked some questions there.


    Sorry to see this thread. Here are two resources that might help you install BP and troubleshoot blank pages:

    Blank pages:


    @dennissmolek memory limits can be overcome in the wp-config file, too. I’m not sure what happens to wp-settings during an upgrade of WP. Is the wp-settings file potentially overwritten?

    Hugo Ashmore

    @sbrajesh tbh when I read “into their home page” I imagined the OP might actually be using your plugin for re-direct but the post is unclear and needs clarification. It’s vital to try and get across to people how to perform basic troubleshooting so that they can come prepared in advance with the kind of detail that’s needed to help out.

    First rule of thumb is to disable plugins and return to default theme if the issue goes away then you know it’s either a custom theme or plugin issue then when the actual item has been identified questions can be addressed directly to the author or of course brought here.

    Hugo Ashmore

    No we must establish what’s happening first, before throwing another plugin at an issue, masking the symptoms and never curing the disease. The OP’s question is not clear and raises questions about what is occurring and must be explained in greater detail.


    For anyone else looking for getting an if statement to work, I got to work. This is from member-loop.

    some text

    Here is the same for the member-header.

    some text



    Just to update this to close all issues of this topics as I left with a question how to hide items based on navigation in profiles.

    So after applying the above solution into your links, then to section off other profile pages ie. I am on my profile page so i can see settings & messages tabs.. but on a friends page those boxes are hidden.

    To do this;

    ? php if (bp_current_user_id() == bp_loggedin_user_id()): ?
    Add content here that you only want to see in your personal
    ? php endif ?

    All this is asking is if the current profile page user ID # (for the table row) is equal to the logged in user (You) ID#…. That returns True or False… If the answer is True then move forward. .

    If your looking to reverse this idea and show something only on others profile pages simply add one ! …. !bp_current_user_id() that will reverse the effect.

    There …That took me ages but it will save anyone looking to become creative with their profile menu….

    Lastly, I will not be answering any questions about how to implement this, its a basic copy paste job now if you cant do that then perhaps look at other less flexible options.

    Hope this all helps…


    Thanks for the info @LPH2005. I’ve checked out the Q&A plugin from WPMU Dev and it looks great! It says on the site that it works perfectly with Buddypress, but I need to find out what that actually means? The main thing is that I need people to be able to follow each other like on Twitter rather than just receive email notifications of questions they’re following. I’ll dig a little deeper, but this all looks promising :)

    Sven Lehnert

    Hi @johnjamesjacoby

    we are kind of new to all this… How to start? I will check out the latest version via svn. That’s fine. But how to check in? Commit? Push?
    Should I add the complete theme as .zip file on a ticket? I guess the size will be too big.
    I would like to write this patch, I’d like to start with some easy job to slowly go into all this. So the sidebar bug is an easy startup.

    @dennissmolek, i guess we can keep it update save (backwards compatible) by asking if the sidebar is already active

    Some more newbee questions:
    Where do I add my other subjects? The sidebar was just one example of a long list we would like to discuss and write patches for.

    Should we open a ticket for every idea we’d like to change?

    Sorry, if some of the questions are already answered in other forum threads.
    Maybe it would be a good idea, to write a guide to become an active part on the project.
    Thanks for all, we are excited to start


    In reply to: Get Logged In Username

    Brajesh Singh

    well, In that case, some more questions will help.
    1. how do you create a buddypress page? from wordpress admin? from theme, have you added a new component as I don’t see other way to add a page in buddypress
    2. Is the page opened using wordpress/is coming inside wordpress (seems to me iT is not )
    3. Or is the page independent of wordpress, you are loading that page(php) directly inside the browser ?

    Hugo Ashmore

    Rather than simply bumping and waiting for someone why don’t you try a generally accepted tech forum approach of actually explaining what you are trying to do in a code sense with examples of what you have tried to date that has or hasn’t worked, this way you are more likely to get a response from developers if they can see your working, your approach and suggest ways of achieving what you want to do. Your post simply lacks any detail and begs a whole heap of questions before anyone could begin to help.

    I would also suggest you start over as few are likely to look past this many ‘bumps’ :)


    In reply to: missing nav-bar

    Hugo Ashmore

    Not necessarily an easy fix with so little info to go on. Default is to show the adminbar all the time so setting ‘yes’ to hide it for logged out users isn’t going to change things for logged in users.

    Usual questions must be asked now: Are you running a custom theme? If so then can you revert to bp-default and see how that performs.


    Quickest solution would be to join Buddydev and implement the ‘Global Forum’ plugin –

    You can see it in use on Bravesh’s own forum –

    I personally prefer forums which link to groups, since this avoids duplication of topics. The other half-way solution would be to use ‘buddypress-group-forum-extras’, – which would enable you to set up a group for each general forum type (i.e. support questions, introduce yourself, general chat), then pin these to remain permanently at the top of the ‘Forum Index’.


    OK ! It’s working with the exception of the file attachments (because I removed the do_action lines) but the page now posts to the proper forum. :)

    Here is the code:

    Template Name: Question

    IMPORTANT: This form does not work yet.

    Please do not use this form.

    How To Ask A Great Question And Get It Answered

    Maybe you are stuck on a homework problem or do not understand a particular concept. Don’t panic. is a great place to ask your questions.
    First search to see if someone else has asked about the problem. Next, search The Chemistry Text by reading the section on the topic.
    If none of this helps, start a new topic by completing the form below.
    Start with a great headline. Avoid saying, “I’m lost” or “how do I do problem 12?”
    A great headline might be “Determining Significant Figures – Captured Zeros”
    Next, type as much detail as possible, for example, add the exact wording of the problem you are trying to answer.
    Finally, explain the problem and what you have tried.
    The more details you add then the faster someone can help you.
    Teachers are available at irregular intervals, therefore, make sure that you help others with their questions, too.


    <option value="”>

    <input type="submit" name="submit_topic" id="submit" value="” />
    <input type="button" name="submit_topic_cancel" id="submit_topic_cancel" value="” />

    <?php printf( __( "You are not a member of any groups so you don't have any group forums you can post in. To start posting, first find a group that matches the topic subject you'd like to start. If this group does not exist, why not create a new group? Once you have joined or created the group you can post your topic in that group’s forum.”, ‘buddypress’ ), site_url( BP_GROUPS_SLUG . ‘/create/’ ) ) ?>

    You need to <a href="”>log in or <?php printf( __( ' ‘, ‘buddypress’ ), site_url( BP_REGISTER_SLUG . ‘/’ ) ) ?> to participate in the tutoring area.


    If you see a way to enhance this template then please let me know. The file attachment plugin isn’t working with this page (nor edit a topic) so something obvious is probably missing.

    Hope this helps someone else trying to get a page with a form to post to the forums ….


    Ugh. I feel like I’m so close to getting this to work.

    Rather than try to create a BP page, a WP page was created with a template. The template contains the following code:

    Template Name: Question

    How To Ask A Great Question And Get It Answered

    Maybe you are stuck on a homework problem or do not understand a particular concept. Don’t panic. is a great place to ask your questions.
    First search to see if someone else has asked about the problem. Next, search The Chemistry Text by reading the section on the topic.
    If none of this helps, start a new topic by completing the form below.
    Start with a great headline. Avoid saying, “I’m lost” or “how do I do problem 12?”
    A great headline might be “Determining Significant Figures – Captured Zeros”
    Next, type as much detail as possible, for example, add the exact wording of the problem you are trying to answer.
    Finally, explain the problem and what you have tried.
    The more details you add then the faster someone can help you.
    Teachers are available at irregular intervals, therefore, make sure that you help others with their questions, too.


    <option value="”>

    <input type="submit" name="submit_topic" id="submit" value="” />
    <input type="button" name="submit_topic_cancel" id="submit_topic_cancel" value="” />

    <?php printf( __( "You are not a member of any groups so you don't have any group forums you can post in. To start posting, first find a group that matches the topic subject you'd like to start. If this group does not exist, why not create a new group? Once you have joined or created the group you can post your topic in that group’s forum.”, ‘buddypress’ ), site_url( BP_GROUPS_SLUG . ‘/create/’ ) ) ?>


    Now – the header has gone wild on the whole site, the buttons at the top right disappear on the WP page for ask-a-question, and NO submit button is showing when logged into the site.


    Any thoughts on what is wrong with the code?

    Update: Looking at the source after the page loads – the form is not completing; that is, no `` is being served.


    @r-a-y @djpaul Here’s what happens:

    Mikey3D wrote:


    I just saw your new (hosting name) layout but something is missed in my database. Here’s the problem:

    There are no older topics.

    I did not post at buddypress yet because after I saw Paul Gibbs posted. This below will be post after you.

    “The DB table is “wp_bb_posts”. If there are posts in that table, then that’s good! You could then try repairing the database table.”

    Yes, there are posts in that table wp_bb_posts. I just did repair this wp_bb_posts table.

    “Could also be a plugin conflict. If you’re running any caching plugins, try flushing the cache, or disabling the plugin.”

    I disabled W3TC and all plugins except BuddyPress. Also empties the bp-custom.php and functions.php.

    All that it’s still the same problem. Huh? Why?

    John S. wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I just saw your new (hosting name) layout but something is missed in my database. Here’s the problem:

    When we changed the control panel over we did nothing to the MySQL installs on our machines. Just the front-end has changed, so it could not have affected your database.
    That being said we would have no info based on what you provided on why you would be having that issue.
    We have backups of the site and database on file for the past 10 days, if you would like to check against them.
    Please let us know if you have any more questions.

    Mikey3D wrote:

    >>>We have backups of the site and database on file for the past 10 days, if you would like to check against them.

    Please I would like to have backup database for 10 days old ago. If the backup database still have the same problem. I may do, how would I give buddypress folk the permission to go into my site?

    Ryan S. wrote:


    > Please I would like to have backup database for 10 days old ago.

    Alright, we have restored the database backup from 10 days ago.

    > If the backup database still have the same problem. I may do, how would I give buddypress folk the permission to go into my site?

    We don’t know. There may not be a way. As we said, we have not made any changes to your database, and if the problem happened more than 10 days ago (but you only noticed it recently), then the oldest backup will have the same problem. In this case, you may need to restore from an even older backup that you have made yourself, and forfeit all additions since that point.

    Mikey3D wrote:

    WOW!!!! It works.

    John, can you tell me why buddypress folks are right? It’s database. I spend a half a day to figure it out why there was no older post. Why is it, John?

    Ryan S. wrote:

    > Can you tell me why buddypress folks are right? It’s database. I spend a half a day to figure it out why there was no older post.

    The Buddypress folks are not right.

    They said it’s a host problem. But it’s not a host problem.

    Yes, we have database backups, so we helped you to restore an older backup. But the problem was caused by your application. The application broke the database. Restoring the database backup fixed the problem.

    In the future, you should also keep your own database backups, too.

    Hope that helps!

    Have I been misleading?


    Brandon Allen

    @VegasParty607 First, there is no one dedicated to answering questions on the forum. It’s all volunteer. Sorry no one has replied, but repeatedly posting isn’t going to make anyone want to help you.

    Sencond, your code for displaying the IP address looks correct, so the problem is likely within the get_IP function. Without seeing the function it’s hard to tell.



    The new BuddyBuilder v1.2 now includes over 160 customization options! (Geez… will it never end? Nope.)

    Especially fun in this update is the Header Image Rotator: you can display up to 8 images in random or ordered rotation in your header, complete with animated descriptions. You have full control over image display time; fade-in/out speed; description size, location, animation speed… and much more.

    See details here:

    Questions? Don’t be shy… ask here or in the BuddyBuilder forum at:

    Hugo Ashmore

    Sarcasm ? “sorry if I am messing up your cute little system here

    Just to emphasise what mercime has already covered this is a voluntary support forum this is an OS project if people choose to use the app then that is their choice there is absolutely no obligation on the part of anyone to provide support or help, yet an amazing amount of help is given to newbies trying to get sites up and running and often by people working professionally in this industry so it pays not to upset them or put them off offering that help.

    A useful reference on how to post in general to boards is covered here:

    and no this isn’t an attempt to condescend or patronise.

    There IS NO generic problem with BP but it’s a complicated extension to WP and thus there are many issues that can arise, often these might manifest in a similar way but more often than not have a variety of actual causes, which is why detail on the issue is imperative in order to be able to help.


    @krikette Know that 99.9% of those who help out here are volunteers who share their knowledge and skills whenever they can. There’s no obligation for anyone here to answer any question, yet many have generously guided newbies to site launch. There might be those who are arrogant, yet you’ll also find those who are very helpful, so kindly refrain from painting everyone with the same brush. The traffic of helpful volunteers is less than the traffic of newbies or those seeking help, so you can see the imbalance. You have to be patient yet persistent :-)

    == but it is obvious that there is a major problem with buddypress SOMEWHERE and no one is doing a damn thing to figure it out. ==

    Unless you post what problem you’re having with your installation, no one can help you. I see that this is your fist post, and you are venting because … of unanswered questions by others before you? Many have successfully launched BuddyPress sites like those featured at and your site could be featured there too if you think positively and learn what needs to be done to overcome the challenges that face you.

    Some tips:
    1. Read –
    BP Codex is your friend
    2. Use our site search or use Google search as the question could have already been answered in forums or in external sites.
    3. Bumping topics frequently is a no-no. You can bump your topic if unanswered after 24 hours.


    Hello and sorry if I am messing up your cute little system here, but it is obvious that there is a major problem with buddypress SOMEWHERE and no one is doing a damn thing to figure it out.

    We can post all our detailled information until we are blue in the face but it is clear that many people are having this problem on many different setup types and all I have seen anyone griping about posting questions “in the right format” do to those who have jumped through their hoops is ask people to fresh reinstall, clam up when people actually erase everything and start over with the same problem, and then accuse people who are actually TRYING to help of posting ‘bandaids’ to a problem no one you’re obviously disinclined to root out.

    I’m not posting my information because I know it won’t make a damn, but I did want to post my $.02 in hopes that maybe it will motivate you to actually help all the people who are trying to tell you there is a problem.

    It’s free, I get it, and I’m okay with that. It works for me but not on a client’s server. That sucks. What sucks more is that these people who actually went out of their way to get help and help others are being condescended. Bravo.


    I just uploaded a new version, still in beta but making a few improvements. Note that if you have any questions, read the readme.txt first.

    @hnla Im still searching regarding Faux columns, though if you could maybe have a look at the theme in the mean time I could reach a solution sooner.

    Thanks and cheers

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