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  • #57695
    Mike Pratt

    At the risk of being too negative, some of your statements don’t make sense to me and some seem purposefully (or naively) vague. If you’ve been at WP and BP for 3months now, then logic would dictate that you should be familiar enough with the 2 that you’d be able to answer your questions about their capabilities.

    If you’re convinced you are onto some new idea of what people want in a new collection of networks, then you will get much better feedback if you added some detail/clarity in your request. So far, imho, the reason you are getting these nebulous opinions is because your request sounds more like “I wanna build this new car that no one has built, any ideas?”

    WP/BP are ready for you to launch your project now. Do some styling and you’re off and running. See if that demand is really out there. Good luck.


    In reply to: Photo Album RoadMap?



    Job well done on the activity /wire stream, it removes clutter and useful. Please don’t forget that request trac regarding questions on wire for users to answer!


    Silly questions…

    • Are you 100% there’s no deep integration? :)
    • Maybe put some echo’s in the original bbPress files and see how and when they’re getting included?
    • Is there a widget or plugin that’s preloading bbPress before BuddyPress?
    • Do you have the old integration plugins disabled?
    • Can you confirm in wp_sitemeta that “bb-config-location” is pointing to the new bb-config.php and not the old one?

    Just a few things to look at and consider…

    Andrea Rennick

    Nope, sounds like a good plan.


    Thanks for the info.

    With the tweaks I have in place (a few core changes even), I’m thinking of setting up a second install of WPMU and BP and a separate database, just to test our modifications on the latest versions, just so there are no nasty surprises and the site won’t be offline longer than need be. I may keep this running in parallel, testing the new upgrades, making changes, them moving it over. See any problems with something like this?

    Andrea Rennick

    IME, using wp-super-cache, it creates flat html files on the server. if those are deleted, they get regenerated again. When you remove cache files, performance takes an initial hit until the cache is built up again.

    But even outside that – the number of posts & users make it a big job. :)


    Thanks so much.

    I’m using the object-cache.php file from Donncha as the only caching that I’ve installed. This seems to be the much of the space – If I drop these, will performace be slower, or will data be lost? Would you suggest the wp-super-cache instead?

    I don’t have many blogs – one, basically, (the main BP blog, but it has 10,000 posts, but they’re not really posts, long story). It’s a complicated integration where I’m using BP for the community side of a larger site with 123,000 members migrated into WPMU/BP.

    There isn’t much spam do deal with, thankfully.

    Thanks again for the info.

    Andrea Rennick

    You shoudl back it all up, yes. But you don’t necessarily need to ftp it down to your computer. I normally make a copy of the folder right on the server.

    If you are double-sure you have cache files, you can clean them out. What are you using the cache? Because wp-super-cache has a cleanout button back there on the admin screen.

    It’s not unusually large, no, dpeending on how may users and/or visitors you have. Lots of users, lots of hits, means lots of cache files & loads of upload files if they like to post pics to their blogs like you’re Flickr. (Hi mom!)

    Yes, you’ll want to backup the db as well. Optimize those tables, and if you’re really feeling frisky, clean out the spam.

    Remember that with the BP upgrade, the theme changes location. The MU part should be smoother.

    Pick a time when your site traffic is low, like the weekend.


    If you’d like to associate a blog with a group, you could use Marius Ooms’ BP Groupblog plugin:

    Most likely the group filter will pick up the blog as a group.

    There’s also Andy’s External Feeds plugin:

    Which you can use to grab an RSS feed and it will populate the group activity and site-wide activity streams.

    About the other questions, I don’t have time to delve into it!

    Maybe a mod or someone else can help you.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    IMO this is a theme design decision; if you want a graphic logo on your site, then that’s a custom theme. The bundled theme is just a starting point, even if you only re-do the colours. I’m even going to go so far to say if you want a graphic rather than a text header, you are very likely to want to change some other aspect of the site design at some point; so you’d be creating a child theme for that anyway. I can’t see people *only* wanting to change the site title to a graphic being a very common situation.

    In previous versions, we used to get a lot of questions about which file to replace for the graphic, and ‘what font was used/can I have the PSD file for it’, and all the issues that both of these entail.


    Hi and thanks for the Answer!

    The volonteers are working in different cultural institutions. E.g. schools, Goethe Institut, german broadcasting, museums,…

    I search for a way, that it is possible to seperate e.g. the users. So for every new generation of volonteers a own Group of volonteers. But it shouldn’t be a normal group of buddypress.

    It’s a good idear with the tags. But there are volonteers who go abroad for 6 months and others for 12 months. So these who are abroad for 12 months are going to get mixed with those who start half a year later.

    I need a way to seperate every half year the users into Groups like “Went abroad in Sep 2009” / “Went Abroad in March 2010”,…

    Sure, it would be nice if everyone could stay in contact to each other. So if the new have questions they can ask.

    Hmmmm… I siply don’t have an idear what to do. :)

    Thanks a lot of following answers!


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi Philipp

    Don’t worry, your English is very good.

    To answer your question, I think you need to think about what content there will be on your site.

    Will the volunteer placements remain the same each half-year? i.e. a school and (for example) at a charity.

    If this is the case, you probably want to keep the structure of the site very similar so people can read and learn from what previous volunteers have experienced. You could automatically ‘tag’ data in each half-year period; this would let you find and sort the data appropriately.

    If volunteer placements can be anywhere and different in each half-year period, then you might want to use Groups as a form of category – i.e. rather than having groups for Example School 1 and Example School 2, use just one group – ‘School’. Again, you could let users tag data with their specific placements.

    EDIT: I’ve also re-titled this thread to make it a bit clearer as to the type of questions you are asking :)


    In reply to: Images allowed


    Thanks Travel-junkie! I was able to make that work in the status! One more questions if I could…is there a way for instance, if someone embeds a youtube video that I can force the size?

    Jeff Sayre

    @stwc ;)

    Thanks for creating the new ticket. You did it right!

    Make a note of the ticket number so you can more easily follow any comments or questions posted to the ticket. You can also add additional information as you see fit whenever you like.


    I have never received any answer on teh original questions and I am getting really tired of deleting the splogs that happened only after installing Buddypress.

    Just the last few hours 5 splogs registered, all with name-surname19xx as username, all from different email domains.

    I know it is not too much to check every blog, check every user, mark him as a spammer and add the email domain to the sh*tlist under options.

    But the point is that before BP I had to do this less than once per month. So I repeat, hopefully somebody wil;l at least answer the2nd question (hopefully the first as well, but I fear a standard ‘ask the plugin-author’ reply):

    “So my questions to determine the best action to make sign ups easy but splogs difficult:

    – why won’t the WPMU sign-up question plugin work on the BP register page? Is there a way to fix that?

    – More importantly: Can the register page be renamed? If so, which file(s) and what other (internal) links?”

    Many thanks,

    Cheers, Harry

    Michael Berra

    Yes: Deep integration, killed the old data and chose “new bbPress Installation” (if I would have known what you just mentioned with “using an existing install”, I guess I would have done this, because I understud that wrong).

    Sadly I don’t have the old bb-config.php anymore (from deep integration), so I cannot do this. Besides the old config-file I tried that reinstall option a couple times (as far as I can see, this just creates a new bb-config.php in the root).

    Some thoughts/questions:

    1. Why does it after the upgrade not work at all. with BP 1.1.1. and WMPU 2.8.4 at least the newer groups which never had any forum-data from the depp-integration-time had in them worked…

    2. When my Test-Install on the same server works it seems to me that there must be somewhere any leftover data from the deep-integration-times that confuses the new forum-setup. So wouldn’t it help to find out where (in files, db, etc) is ANY information regarding the forums stored (like my question above about the wp_bp_groups_groupmeta table). That way we could work our way through…

    Ps: In the process I already deactivated ANY Plugins (not only BP-related) – but it did not change anything. So it seems it’s not a plugin conflict…


    In reply to: Post via e-mail

    PH (porsche)


    I get the fact that resources such as moderators time and community time is scarce and thus should be treated properly.

    As you said:

    **Buddypress doesn’t provide blog functions, it doesn’t provide user management**

    How do I know if something is an intended effect of the software or a glitch. *..ask a question…* Like they say: “There are no stupid questions”

    * I realize that you are an “Expert”, but many are not.

    * I realize that you have self appointed yourself as the adjudicator of all things relevant in this forum.

    I dont understand why ‘you’ dont understand:

    …The question was asked.

    …The answer and guidance was given by a simple link.

    … I appreciate Xevo for it, and Im a little wiser.

    Im frustrated not by the process, Im frustrated by your curt attitude and unhelpful response. (Simply stated, its unproductive)

    It is exactly your response of “go somewhere else attitude” that has given buddypress the reputation of having poor support.

    Get over it! The question was asked and an answer was given! Move-on!

    Lisa Sabin-Wilson

    Have to say, I was bummed to see the scheduling conflict w/ Andrea and I – – I did not want to miss her panel. :( Hopefully some kind soul will tape it (hint hint)

    I’m also doing a BP Workshop on Sunday — kind of a hands on install-to-launch in steps .. maybe I can convince someone here to help me co-run it to help field questions? :) Sunday looks like it’s shaping up to be an “Unconference” day with lots of opportunity for open discussion, networking and workshops. Fun stuff!


    In reply to: HELP!!!

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    We would still really, really answers to those questions we keep linking you to!

    In the interim; it looks like you’ve got the theme in the correct place with its functions PHP. A google suggests that hostmonster allows htaccess by default. I’m going to assume you’ve been able to confirm that the htaccess is being loaded.

    More googling suggests that hostmonster is a subsidiary of bluehost, which we’ve seen problems with on this forum before.

    Was WPMU and/or BuddyPress installed via SimpleScripts?


    In reply to: Future of BP


    All I can share from personal experience is this: It’s real easy to get lost in all the gloss. About two years ago when I was hunting down low-cost, self-hosted, white label social networking software, I narrowed it down to two choices, Elgg and Dolphin. What I loved about Dolphin was how intuitive and pretty the whole backend was — you could easy drag/drop/rearrange different menu items and easily swap out your pages/columns/widgets. You could even change the sizes of certain page elements with just a few mouse clicks. It was almost like a Square Spaces for social networks. But then came more research. And upon that research, I found that Dolphin has some of the ugliest code ever written. On top of breaking tons of add-ons during upgrades, there also wasn’t (and probably still isn’t) an active support group available — more like a commune of helpless, p/o’ed customers who were all experiencing the same bugs. That’s not to say that it’s useless. I’m sure it works fine for a good handful of users who dumped a lot of money into development. But it became apparent that I needed to look into Elgg instead.

    Now, Elgg does everything it says right out of the box 100% and we had instant love affair — The whole installation took me about 10 minutes and there wasn’t a single problem… until I tried to re-design it. It was virtually impossible creating an entirely different layout. In fact, I have yet to see an Elgg-powered site that looks completely custom-made like the BuddyPress-powered VW TDI Truth & Dare site. Again, I’m sure Elgg fulfills the needs of many of its users – and probably a lot more so than Dolphin – but when it came to theming the software, it just fell a bit short. Although I could see how it could seem *ahead of the game* with its ease of use and drag’n’drop capabilities, it really isn’t compared to BP.

    So BP came right along just as I finished *theming* — I should actually just say “colorizing” – my Elgg installation. Immediately, I dumped Elgg and switched to BP. I had seen what Andy did with ChickSpeak several months before the BP/Automattic venture was announced, so it looked quite promising. Then, the first release came out. First, I had trouble installing WPMU. Next, I had trouble installing BP. Following that, I couldn’t figure out how to get forums up and running. I sounded just like Mythailife – frustrated to the core. But I also remembered what an amazing difference a few months of development did to WordPress going from version 2.3 to 2.7, so I decided to stick around.

    Up until now, I can easily say that BP has made strides in development. Out of the dozens of forums that I’ve visited, BP has *consistently* given the most support to its users in a timely fashion – FOR FREE. I have to stress the complimentary tech support part, because a lot of people tend to demand an answer to every single question immediately after they’ve posted their question, which is ridiculous. And if that speaks to you, here’s what you are getting – again – FOR FREE:

    – A social networking system built on top of one of the best open source publishing systems, which means you’re also inheriting tons of great functionalities like WordTube/MapPress/eCommerce/Facebook Connect

    – Loads of documentation including WordPress for Dummies and the upcoming book BuddyPress for Dummies (books are not free, of course, but they do count towards documentation)

    – Support forums, development roadmaps and overall project transparency

    – Ability to customize/theme BP exactly the way you want it to appear

    – Dozens of available plugins

    – Did I mention that this is built on WordPress?

    If you don’t have the luxury of time to wait for support-related questions or still feel like this project is lagging AND you have deep pockets, there’s always Crowdfusion and Anahita. Otherwise, don’t get lost in the gloss, because BuddyPress is the next-best-thing to come out of the Automattic vault.


    In reply to: HELP!!!

    Jeff Sayre

    Make sure that you have a .htaccess file in the root of your WPMu install. Also, to better help you out, you need to answer the questions found in the thread to which DJPaul linked.

    Jeff Sayre


    Please answer DJPaul’s questions as well.

    You must have proper rewrite rules in a .htaccess file and mod_rewrite enabled. If you successfully installed WPMU, then it automatically creates a basic, working .htaccess file. Check to make sure that that file exists. Since it is a hidden file, you will need to set your file browser to view hidden files. If it does exist, then next thing to verify is that your hosting provider has mod_write enabled for the Apache.


    Alright, I’m super-close now it seems, but I still need a bit of advice. It seems that what I have so far works in every case but search pages and 404 pages.

    The way it looks to me, every bp_is_…_component() tag returns true for all wordpress is_search and is_404 queries. So, two questions:

    1) What is it about all the bp pages that trigger the 404 and search conditionals in wordpress?


    2) How might I differentiate the two cases?

    PH (porsche)

    Follow Up Questions:

    I’ve left JJJ’s code snipet in.. (Will that conflict with anything?) —

    – JJJ’s snippet is located in:

    wp-content / plugins / buddypress / bp-core / bp-core-signup.php

    – XEVO;s snippet is located in:

    / wp-content / themes / bp-sn-parent / functions.php

    I’ve left both snippets in…

    Any possible conflicts?

    I hate touching “stock installations” at some point im gonna forget what I did, where.


    Okay, so I followed your advice, toddlevy, but for whatever reason, I’m still getting my profile header the home page. The following is in my header.php file:


    global $bp;

    if ($bp->current_component == BP_XPROFILE_SLUG) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/communityHeaderTest.php'); //include this header on BuddyPress profile pages
    } elseif ( is_home() ) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/homeHeader.php'); //include this header on home page
    } elseif ( is_single() ) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/homeHeader.php'); //include this header on posts
    } elseif ( is_page('Why We're Here') ) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/homeHeader.php'); //include this header on about page
    } else {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/communityHeader.php'); //include this header on BuddyPress pages
    } ?>

    Any ideas as to why this would include communityHeaderTest.php on the home and about pages? Single pages are including the correct header.

    I have been working with this code in my header, which seems to work for what I need:


    if ( is_home() ) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/homeHeader.php'); //include this header on home page
    } elseif ( is_single() ) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/homeHeader.php'); //include this header on posts
    } elseif ( is_page('Why We're Here') ) {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/homeHeader.php'); //include this header on about page
    } else {
    include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/../ARHealthCareersFrameTheme/customHeaders/communityHeader.php'); //include this header on BuddyPress pages
    } ?>

    Still, it seems like I should just be able to use the BP conditionals to find out which specific BP page I’m on and display content accordingly.

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