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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #162291

    Thanks for the tip @missnorthking, I did notice the options under settings.

    I’ve been looking for a good way of encouraging users to add an avatar. My thoughts so far are these:

    Option 1. Add an avatar upload button to the registration page. The problem with this solution is very well pointed out by @djpaul in trac ticket 2741. Images are uploaded to the server by non-registered users – not a very palatable approach for most developers.

    Option 2. Break the registration process into steps. The first step is user registration and activation with the second and final step being an avatar upload (optional) screen. This would ensure images are submitted by genuine site users who have already registered with a valid email address.

    Option 3. Do nothing. Have lots of mystery men photos display across the site.

    I’d welcome alternative ideas from anyone?



    1) Mybe the code source of Welcome Pack plugin ( ) can help you in dev.

    2) or check this link :

    3) Check this code (from bp-members-functions.php line 1353). function bp_core_signup_send_validation_email

    $to = apply_filters( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to’, $user_email, $user_id );
    $subject = apply_filters( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_subject’, $subject, $user_id );
    $message = apply_filters( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message’, $message, $user_id, $activate_url );

    With some filters i think you can change email, subjet of activation email, or the message.


    i edited the core file – bp-members-functions.php – worked like a charm… tho i am loathe to edit the core files… i tried doing a child functions file but that didn’t work (tho i might have just put it in the wrong place to get found… )

    would be GREAT if this were an admin function with html editing capability, AND if it sent html email with a nice logo etc…

    any coders out there need a project?


    After hours of frustration I realised that I was trying to change the wrong filter. The filter should be ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to’. Now works. Here’s the code:

    function redirect_new_user_activation_email()
    // Make sure to use a valid email. Test it with different addresses.
    return get_site_option( ‘admin_email’, ‘’ );

    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to’, ‘redirect_new_user_activation_email’);

    The second e-mail address is a fallback address in case the admin_email isn’t specified. Let me know if this works for you!


    @modemlooper Revisiting this thread. I’m still looking to change the activation e-mail to go to the site admin instead, and even though this should be fairly easy I must be missing something. The code should be something like this, right?

    function my_redirect_activation_email()
    return get_site_option( ‘admin_email’ );
    add_filter(‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification_to’, ‘my_redirect_activation_email’);

    Added this to my custom-functions.php but can’t seem to get it to work, WordPress stills sends the e-mail with the activation link to the new user instead. Any ideas? Thanks!


    I am also having this issue and I think I have narrowed it down to certain email providers and how they deal with links. Yahoo for instance opens the activation code page while at the same time the account is activated so you do not need to enter any code while gmail and hotmail link straight to a page that says the account is activated. This is indeed a problem.


    @binutz re time active -> use UTC +/- in Settings rather than city name and change to BP Default theme. Are you using a cache plugin by any chance? If so, which one?

    re members count -> What do you mean that it’s wrong? Is this an installation which had registered members prior to installing BuddyPress? Then members have to log in at least once to be “counted”

    re users’ avatars missing -> You mean the only the mystery man is showing up or that even the mystery man is not showing up? Are you developing locally or online? Change to BP Default theme, are the avatars showing up?

    re email activation issue -> Are you sure that your installation is sending those activation emails in the first place? Or, have your users checked in their email spam folders? Where are you hosted?

    Hugo Ashmore

    And you have tested a plain WP view of your site? i.e have you first tested that all aspects of primary functions work under your initial install of WP before moving on to activating BP and then testing it’s registration process – this is important to help you establish that your site works and if issues arise at what stage they did e.g. on activation of BP or of Welcome pack ( fyi Welcome Pack might not be quite current with latest BP)

    You now need to narrow down the issue!

    fwiw this sort of issue is nearly always one of a server configuration and/or of your MX records rather than an issue with either WP or BP both process and foreward emails quite happily without fail.


    I know this is old but I had the same problem and figured out how to fix it so thought I would post it.
    Instead of trying to feed the key in, I just trimmed the message to remove the original wording and then replaced it with my own wording.

    function fix_bp_activation_message($message) {
    $msgTrim = “Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:”;
    $trimmed = trim($message,$msgTrim);

    return __( “Thanks for signing up to Clandestine Cake Club! In order to take part in the fun, you’ll need to activate your account by clicking the link below. \n Once you’ve done that, we’ll need to approve the account, usually within 24 hours.”.$trimmed.”Best wishes,\n Lynn Hill – CCC Founder”, ‘buddypress’ );

    add_filter(‘bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message’, ‘fix_bp_activation_message’);


    @sdglhm have you asked user who is not receiving the activation emails to check in spam folder?


    I’m not sure what you mean, chouf. 1.2 simply came up in a google search, because the text I need is apparently in this 1.2 file which no longer appears to exist in the current version.

    The closest thing I found to the text is in bp-core-filters.php, but it’s not an exact activation email text match and any edits I do prove it because the activation email text is unchanged. So, I must be editing the wrong file, which didn’t surprise me because I saw the slight difference in text.

    I remain stuck. That old 1.2 file has the exact text of my activation email. I simply know not where to locate that source file, even though I have found some indicate it’s in the filters file. I’m not seeing it in there;-(

    thanks. jz


    thanks..but still doesn’t work. My site is installed on Qnap local server. I thought it has something to do with changing the mail address in the bp-core-filter. I had done it once before but don’t remember now and I cannot remember where I got the answer.Basically wit the above I’ve got a cannot cannect to smtp. However Qnap can send an email directly to any email account so the server is not the problem.



    @byfchew See section on BuddyPress isn’t sending out emails (eg. activation emails, email notifications) at

    Rocio Valdivia

    Ok, you can disable sending activation email to new registrant in WP multisite + BP installation by adding code below into your theme/child theme functions.php

    // Change the text on the signup page
    add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘__return_false’ );

    function my_disable_activation( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta = ” ) {
    // Activate the user
    bp_core_activate_signup( $key );

    // Return false so no email sent
    return false;
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘my_disable_activation’, 10, 4 );

    //Disable new blog notification email for multisite
    remove_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_blog_notification’, ‘bp_core_activation_signup_blog_notification’, 1, 7 );
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_blog_notification’, ‘__return_false’ );

    // disable sending activation emails for multisite
    remove_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification’, 1, 4 );
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘__return_false’, 1, 4 );

    Cheers! 😀

    Rocio Valdivia

    The last function has a bug, it activate the user after registration, but it’s still sending the activation key email using WP multisite, so it can be very confusing for the users, because they’re already active.

    Any ideas to stop sending the activation key email?


    Rocio Valdivia


    If somebody still need to disable activation email, the following function works fine for me:

    // Change the text on the signup page
    add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘__return_false’ );

    function my_disable_activation( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta = ” ) {
    // Activate the user
    bp_core_activate_signup( $key );

    // Return false so no email sent
    return false;
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘my_disable_activation’, 10, 4 );
    remove_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_blog_notification’, ‘bp_core_activation_signup_blog_notification’, 1, 7 );
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_blog_notification’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Thanks to @cnorris23 for it!

    Hope it helps to someone 🙂


    In reply to: Send Welcome Email


    This drove me a bit nuts. I figured out how to do it though and it’s very easy.

    With buddypress installed it takes over the registration entirely and ads this activation email which is outside the normal header load so it;s outside of the functions.php call include.

    The way I got it to work was by adding a call to the welcome email action after the do_action( ‘bp_after_activation_page’ ); in plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/activation.php file.

    Near the end of the file you see this.
    do_action( ‘bp_after_activation_page’ );

    Add the following
    do_action( ‘welcome_email’ );

    Now this may work because I am using a plugin to modify the welcome email to begin with. I am using SB Welcome Email Editor

    As for why someone would need to send the user their id and password. I needed this because people can sign up using a name with spaces but the id is created with a dash in place of spaces so they may never know their id isn’t what they saved it as. I also added a condition on the id entry to force them to not use spaces but I like to cover all bases and let them know what they signed up with.

    Hope this helps.


    For some really odd reason this is not working for me.


    In reply to: Theme Integration


    Thanks – I logged out and then clicked the activation email – returned an invalid key message – same in new browser.

    if you look at my site you will see that the pages do not display correctly…how do I rectify this…?

    Also, where do I configure the extended profile fields?


    Thanks for your reply kizzywizzy! I’ve added this code to the functions.php file but this adds some of the user data to the users activation email which is not what I want. Like this:

    ‘data’ =>
    ‘ID’ => ‘827’,
    ‘user_login’ => ‘user’,
    ‘user_pass’ => ‘password’,
    ‘user_nicename’ => ‘stefanlesik’,
    ‘user_email’ => ’email’,
    ‘user_url’ => ”,
    ‘user_registered’ => ‘2013-02-18 17:05:46’,
    ‘user_activation_key’ => ”,
    ‘user_status’ => ‘0’,
    ‘display_name’ => ‘user’,
    ‘ID’ => 827,
    ‘caps’ =>
    array (
    ‘subscriber’ => true,
    ‘cap_key’ => ‘wp_capabilities’,
    ‘roles’ =>
    array (
    0 => ‘subscriber’,
    ‘allcaps’ =>
    array (
    ‘read’ => true,
    ‘level_0’ => true,
    ‘subscriber’ => true,
    ‘filter’ => NULL,

    I’d like to display the all the xprofile data in the new user registration email that admin receives. Is this possible?


    how to modify the admin bar

    That’s too wide an area to cover. What specifically do you want to change in the admin bar?
    – If it’s WordPress-related, please post at
    – If it’s related to BuddyPress links to profile menus

    also when people registerting the activation email is not coming. how does one recticfy that

    You have to find out through some tests whether email is not being sent from your installation or whether the email just goes to user’s spam folder.


    @mindyjoy do you have access to the database, eg through your Control Panel and phpMyAdmin?

    It might help to look in there to see what is going on.

    In the wp_users table there is a ‘user_status’ column. I don’t think WordPress uses it but BuddyPress does and so do these plugins (I believe). Active Users are ‘0’ unactivated are ‘2’.

    There is a ‘user_activation_key’ column but I think the relevant keys are found in the wp_usermeta table. Search the ‘meta_key’ column in that table for ‘activation_key’ and the keys will appear in the ‘meta_value’ column.

    Hopefully those tables should tally with what is shown by the plugins. Or else you could email your users with the keys…


    @stobywan I’ve closed I have answered you here but you did not respond. Per that topic, registration stopped working after you upgraded to BP 1.6.4.

    Please explain exactly what the bottleneck is for your registration.
    – Can registrant complete registration process in your site?
    – Is your installation sending activation emails or not?
    – Is the registrant receiving the activation email or not?


    @resom That’s right.

    Have those who have not “received” activation emails checked their spam folders? Unfortunately, that happens even without BP activated.

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